Chapter 9 Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9 Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9 Vocabulary

2 Detour Devating from the usual or more direct route

3 Challenge A task or problem

4 Ironic When the expected result is contrary to the actual result

5 Affliction Great struggling or suffering

6 Paraplegic The state of having the lower half of the body paralyzed

7 Debilitate To weaken

8 Orator A skillful or powerful public speaker

9 Serenity Being peaceful

10 Solution The answer to a problem

11 Median Being in the middle; as many above as below

12 Consideration Careful thought

13 Obligation Something that ties a person to a certain course of action, such as promise or vow; duty

14 Valedictorian The student in a graduating class with the highest rank

15 Ambition A strong desire to achieve a certain goal

16 Evidence An outward sign; indication

17 Obstacle An impediment to progress or achievement

18 Concentration Focused attention on a single object or task

19 Confront To oppose or challenge

20 Confident Certain of your own skills or capabilities

21 Progressive Making use of new ideas; broad-minded

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