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WELCOME TO ENRIQUE NIETO HIGH SCHOOL Monday 16th of September, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO ENRIQUE NIETO HIGH SCHOOL Monday 16th of September, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO ENRIQUE NIETO HIGH SCHOOL Monday 16th of September, 2013

2 3rd of ESO-C-Bilingual Programme Teacher: Julio Martínez Fernández.

3 Textbook: ADVANCED REAL ENGLISH 4. Editorial Burlington. ISBN:978 9963 48 4706 (students book and workbook) -Reader: The Call Of The Wild. Jack London. Oxford Bookworms. ISBN:9780194792936. Binder: Lined paper:

4 Bilingual Programme-British Project REAL DECRETO 717/2005, de 20 de junio, por el que se regula la ordenación de las enseñan-zas en los centros docentes acogidos al convenio entre el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia y TheBritishCouncil. For further information: le&id=59&Itemid=93 le&id=59&Itemid=93

5 Timetable

6 Website In this website you will find all relevant information about your classes such as powerpoint presentations, pdfs, timetables, materials, listenings, useful websites, tasks, exam dates, etc. It is intended to be an important tool for the development of the class and a way of organising all contents of the subject.

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