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Literary Terms Poetry.

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1 Literary Terms Poetry

2 1. Alliteration The repetition of a consonant or vowel sound in two or more words in a row. Eg. The dingy door dragged over the floor

3 14. Metaphor A comparison between two things for the purpose of clarifying what one or both are like. Does not use like/as in the comparison. Eg. “I am a thousand winds that blow” Eg. Her heart was full of love

4 18. Onomatopoeia A sound word Eg. Buzz, whisper

5 24. Personification Giving human traits to non-human entities
Eg. The trees danced in the wind

6 33. Simile A comparison using like or as
Eg. Her heart was like a barred door.

7 29. Rhyme /Rhyme Scheme Rhyme: The repetition of the vowel sound and end sound in two or more words in a row. Eg. Bat cat Rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme in a poem. Labeled using lower case letters.

8 30. Rhythm: The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry/literature

9 29. Repetition A repeated word or phrase for the purpose of emphasis or effect in a piece of literature Eg. “My luv’s like a red, red rose”

10 40. Hyperbole An exaggeration for effect
Eg. “Til all the seas gang dry my dear”


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