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Cascading Style Sheets - CSS

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1 Cascading Style Sheets - CSS
1. SITE STYLES <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="remote.css" > 2. PAGE STYLES <style>body, p {font-family: verdana; font-size:30px;}</style> 3. CLASS STYLES <style>.extra{text-transform: uppercase; padding:20px;}</style> <div class=extra>Will be uppercase</div> 4. TAG STYLES <p style="color:red; border:thin solid blue;">Hey</p> CSS lets us separate style (look and position) from the content. Cascading in CSS means that styles can be applied in a stepped manner from general to specific – from a whole site with remote style sheets, to a page and then collection of tags with <style> tags and finally to specific tags with the style parameter. Each step overrides the other and takes precedence.

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