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Inferring Cellular Processes from Coexpressing Genes

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1 Inferring Cellular Processes from Coexpressing Genes
Daniel Korenblum November 26, 2001

2 Motivation for Clustering
High throughput experiments Reduce complexity by coarse graining: Extract essential features Visualize data matrix entries with efficient display Obtain similarities that reflect biological properties

3 1998: Eisen, Spellman, Brown, & Botstein
Average Linkage Clustering of Time Courses Correlation measures similarity (scale invariant) Fixed offset: Genes assumed symmetric with respect to changes from reference state Reorder genes: Permute rows of expression data matrix Proximity corresponds to similarity

4 What determines the Patterns
Assess the significance of the clusters Could results be statistical artifacts? Swap matrix elements Apply clustering algorithm: See different patterns No prolonged correlations Signal from different conditions counteracts noise from single observations and cDNA variations Biologically interpretable implies significant

5 Gene Shaving Avoids a single reordering for all genes
Different genes may require different measures of similarity Use the principle component of a set of genes (eigengene) as a reference state Select genes with high covariance with the eigengene

6 Gene Shaving, Cont'd High variation across samples
Strong correlation across genes (coherence) Hierarchical methods address variations over samples Supervising affects average gene effects to select strong contributions on predictvie abilities

7 Conclusions Change in methodology over the past few years
Array data holds comprehensive picture of cellular processes

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