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Diversity Progression Framework Descriptors

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Presentation on theme: "Diversity Progression Framework Descriptors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversity Progression Framework Descriptors
Unconscious bias (applicable to everything) Social mobility (not a protected characteristic but relevant to professions) Governance and leadership Membership and professional registration Meetings, conferences and events Accreditation and examinations Prizes, awards and grants Communications, marketing, outreach and engagement Employment Monitoring and measuring Diversity Progression Framework Descriptors Protected characteristics Age Pregnancy and Maternity Religion and Belief Sex Equality Sexual orientation Race Disability Gender reassignment Marriage and Civil Partnership NOTE: Need to clarify and agree what can be addressed by PEIs. For example, marriage and civil partnership is probably not something professional bodies can do anything on. Need clear statements where this may be agreed as the position.

2 Resource levels Initiating Developing Engaging Evolving Situation:
Data and insight into issue. The current position, situation and problem statement Case for change: Top level reports, clear quantitative data (e.g. McKinsey, EY etc). *Need to be selective – quality over quantity (but need to define criteria since different people will rate things differently) Activity to bring about change: Processes in place What are the learned societies doing? Evolution and setting of good practice: Collation of examples from across science/engineering bodies (and other relevant groups to establish good practice guidelines Example: Gender – low female participation and leaky pipeline Case for change: Business case for diversity in workplace. Strengths women bring to teams etc. Activity to bring about change: Outreach to increase university entrance, visible role models through policies for gender balance on Boards, committees, speaker panels etc Evolution and setting of good practice: Publication of good practice documents from steering group for levels of women on Boards, Committees and speaker panels etc. Guidance on meetings etc to support wider participation

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