GICS III Meeting January 2018 Vellore, India

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Presentation on theme: "GICS III Meeting January 2018 Vellore, India"— Presentation transcript:

1 GICS III Meeting 12-13 January 2018 Vellore, India

2 Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery Mission
Define and promote optimal resources for children's surgery in resource-poor regions of the world Accomplish this by engaging leaders in multiple disciplines of care and organizations whose missions affect children's surgical care

3 Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery History
First meeting in London May 2016 Gathered LMIC providers to define needs and identify solutions to improve surgical care Second meeting in Washington DC in October 2016 Determined priorities and plans for meeting needs Refined Optimal Resources for Children’s Surgery (OReCS) document with input from various subspecialty providers

4 Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery GICS III
109 participants (two-thirds from LMICs) 31 countries represented

5 Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery GICS III Meeting Themes
Current partnerships involving GICS members Optimal Resources for Children’s Surgery (OReCS) document Bellwether procedures for children Incorporating children into National Surgical, Obstetrics, and Anaesthesia Plans (NSOAPs) REDCap database and manuscript writing workshops

6 Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery Partnership Presentations
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) World Health Organization (WHO) Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Collaborative Wilms Tumour Africa Project World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA) College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA) Alliance for Surgery and Anesthesia Presence (ASAP) And several other organizations

7 Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery Next Steps
Further develop relationship and seek recognition by the WHO Apply for the OReCS document to be accepted as Guidelines by the WHO Compile training materials for use by providers in LMICs Develop advocacy messaging for children’s surgery in LMICs Define pediatric bellwether procedures Submit an application for the Nesta Foundation’s £10 Grand Prize Further develop collaborations between GICS and strategic partners

8 Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery
Website: Facebook: GICSurgery Twitter: @GICSurgery

9 Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery

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