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Chapter 6: The New Republic

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1 Chapter 6: The New Republic
Chapter 6 Section 1: Government and Political Parties

2 Administration Precedent Cabinet Tariff Loose Construction Strict Construction Whiskey Rebellion Political Party Democratic Republican French Revolution XYZ Affairs Alien and Sedition Acts Chapter 6 Vocabulary Part 1

3 Bureaucracy Judicial Review Marbury v. Madison Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark Expedition Impressment Embargo War Hawks War of 1812 “The Star Spangled Banner” Francis Scott Key Thomas Jefferson Andrew Jackson Chapter 6 Vocabulary Part 2

4 *People* Francis Scott Key- Person who wrote our national anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner” Thomas Jefferson- Founding Father and U.S. President who made the Louisiana Purchase Andrew Jackson- Future U.S. President and General during the Battle of New Orleans

5 Objectives Describe the steps Washington’s administration took to build the federal government. Analyze Hamilton’s plans for the economy and the opposition to them. Explain how a two-party system emerged in the new nation.

6 Terms and People administration – the officials in the executive branch of government precedent – an act or statement that becomes a tradition to be followed Cabinet – the officials who head the major executive departments and advise the President tariff – a tax on imported goods loose construction – a broad interpretation of the Constitution relying on the implied powers of Congress

7 Terms and People (continued)
strict construction – a narrow interpretation of the Constitution that limits Congress’s actions only to powers specifically granted by the Constitution Whiskey Rebellion – a 1794 protest by farmers in western Pennsylvania against an excise tax on whiskey political party – a group that seeks to win elections, hold public office and shape policy Democratic Republicans – a political party that emerged in opposition Hamilton’s economic policies

8 How did debate over the role of government create political parties?
The Framers and President Washington knew that a good start was important to the future of the republic.

9 When George Washington became President, he quickly established precedents for running the government.

10 The new President faced many challenges:
The nation was $52 million in debt. There was no navy and the army had only 400 men. Spain closed the Mississippi River in New Orleans to American trade. British troops occupied American land along the Great Lakes.

11 Washington picked a Cabinet to head 4 executive departments in his administration.
Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson Secretary of War: Henry Knox Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton Attorney General: Edmund Randolph

12 The first task was to set up a court system.
The Judiciary Act of created district and circuit courts and a 6-member Supreme Court. The office of Attorney General created to prosecute legal cases for the government. John Jay: first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

13 Hamilton’s Plan for eliminating debt:
States would help pay off federal debt. Bonds for the total would be sold to wealthy investors. Investors received annual dividends and have a role in helping the government succeed.

14 Hamilton also proposed chartering a Bank of the U. S
Hamilton also proposed chartering a Bank of the U.S. to regulate state banks and insure business support. He proposed a high tariff on imported goods to earn revenue and encourage domestic industry.

15 Replaced the nation’s agriculturally based economy with commerce and manufacturing.

16 1 2 3 Hamilton saw 3 advantages to his financial plan
Establish the nation’s financial credibility. 1 Gain political support from the wealthiest Americans. 2 3 Enrich investors who would reinvest and thus create more wealth.

17 1 2 3 Antifederalists objected to Hamilton’s plan.
They had 3 main complaints: 1 Wealth redistribution. Investors who purchased the bonds would make huge profits at everyone else’s expense. Farmers would have to pay high tariffs 2 3

18 Secretary of State Jefferson opposed Hamilton’s plan.
Most southern states had already paid off their war debts. He asked why they should bail out northern states that still had debts. Jefferson: “plan gives too much power to the government”.

19 Jefferson favored a strict construction of the Constitution.
Congress should be limited to the powers specifically granted by the Constitution. The Constitution does not give Congress power to charter a national bank, so it could not establish one

20 Hamilton favored a loose construction of the Constitution.
Congress has implied powers, and can take any actions not specifically forbidden. The Constitution allows Congress to act for the “general welfare” so it could charter a bank.

21 In 1791, Congress accepted Hamilton’s plan.
The national debt was funded, outstanding state debts were assumed, excise taxes and tariffs were levied, and the bank was authorized.

22 In return, a new national capital was created.
Washington D.C. would be placed in the South, on the banks of the Potomac River.

23 An big tax on whiskey led to divisions between Federalists and Antifederalists.
To increase their profits, western PA farmers made whiskey from their grain. The whiskey tax reminded farmers of British taxes. Farmers resisted payment. They harassed and intimidated tax collectors.

24 Hamilton persuaded Washington to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion.
12,000 militiamen were sent to deal with the rebellion, but they found no organized plan. Jefferson criticized Hamilton for the use of federal force to repress legitimate criticism.

25 2 Political Parties Formed
Democratic Republicans Favored Jefferson and Madison. This party was strongest among Southerners and farmers. Federalists Favored Hamilton and was strongest among Northerners, merchants, and the wealthy.

26 Section 1 Assessment What challenges did George Washington face during his Presidency? ( ) How was the Cabinet set up? (193) How was the court system of the U.S. established? (193) What were some characteristics of Hamilton’s plan? ( ) What were some characteristics of the 1st two political parties? (197)

27 National debt, no navy, foreign policy issues
4 leaders appointed to head departments of State, Treasury, and War; Attorney General U.S. Judiciary made up of 13 state courts and an over-arching federal court High tariffs on imports, Bank of U.S. created, bring about financial strength Democratic-Republicans: favored among farmers & Southerners and farmers; Federalists: favored among “wealthier” Northerners

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