Ensuring profitable and effective events

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1 Ensuring profitable and effective events
Margin & mission go hand in hand Debbi Rydberg, CFM, IOM Elk River Area Chamber of Commerce

2 Why do we ALL create events?
Funds Friends Famous At least 2 out of 3 must be met Never lose money What purpose do events serve? Internal goals and external goals – one or both are okay but know what they are

3 Money Drives Everything
Non-dues revenue can come from everything except duh Dues! Festivals Luncheons Breakfasts Networking Programs Educational Seminars Advertising

4 Non-Profit is a tax status
Not a business plan! No margin – no mission It might sound pretty basic to some, but there are boards and chamber people who believe the organization CANNOT make a profit. They just don’t understand If you are not making money you cannot fulfill your mission

5 Never lose money at a Chamber event
If they have value your members will pay for them. If your members won’t pay for them, do they really have value? If we don’t believe our programs have value, then why are we doing them? Covering your costs is NOT enough – even if your board thinks it is. You must show them why you cannot give it away. Zero is not a value proposition. We must have enough belief that what we have to offer is valuable, or no one else will either.

6 Never lose money at a Chamber event
Build in margin on every event you charge someone to attend Luncheons Educational Events Networking Events Leadership programs The margin IS the mission – the value No lunch – okay, you still pay for the program – want to make a different price structure With lunch the cost is $25, without lunch, the cost is $20 – suddenly they are hungry Either have a sponsor cover the unmet costs or charge every individual who attends – who is paying for your speakers, staff or other guests that attend Someone is, but it doesn’t have to be YOUR CHAMBER

7 Never lose money at a Chamber event
Even free events cost staff time Can you get an in-kind donation Can you get the venue to offer a door prize Budget for staff meal costs Yes staff time is ‘covered’ by the member investments / dues, but recognize there is a cost

8 Never lose money at a Chamber event
Especially with large scale events – you must manage risk through Sponsorships Attendees Insurance? Sponsorships in total should cover every expense, plus have a margin for staff time Attendees fees should scale with their own variable costs (food, t-shirts) plus have a margin for staff time Insurance – depends, I’ve never used it, has anyone else?

9 Never lose money at a Chamber event –
even if you have to cancel it! cancelling an event, especially a major one is an emotionally draining decision but occasionally it must be done Sadly I’m becoming an expert You may not make your targeted budget income for an event if you have to cancel it, but you should not be in the red either

10 If you have to cancel it Be prepared by knowing when that would be necessary Weather Registration minimums Other reasons Who is going to make the decision? (Hint it’s not just you) Be prepared by knowing when that would be necessary Weather – establish a WHAT-IF plan Registration minimums know your break even Speakers cancel Technology doesn’t work Event Venue has a catastrophe Other reasons Who is going to make the decision? (Hint it’s not just you) Committee chair Board members (some not all) Staff

11 If you have to cancel it What can you salvage
Be prepared by knowing what is in your contracts about cancellations Know in advance if you want to or should provide refunds Participants Sponsors What can you salvage Be prepared by knowing what is in your contracts about cancellations Food & Banquet facilities Entertainment Can anything be rescheduled Know in advance if you want to or should provide refunds Participants – include cancellation information on registrations Sponsors

12 Communicate Clearly Who needs to know? Small events Medium events
small event, especially if you are cancelling due to not have enough registrations. just cancel and let those registered know No need for a big announcement. If there is a sponsor – make the decision together Examples: Cool Jobs Tour, Lunch N Learn Medium event Talk it over with sponsors Should it be rescheduled (will that help?) Examples: Golf Tournament canceled due to weather

13 Communicate Clearly Large Public Event Public Relations starts early
Tell your own story – decide on the why and what by audience Use the EXACT same message everywhere It’s easy (copy & paste) It’s consistent It’s less confusing Don’t do this alone (it’s emotional) Don’t do this alone – know who your trusted advisors are Staff Board Other experts – marketing & PR people from your membership, think big organizations

14 Communicate Clearly Large Public Event Large Public Event
Board of Directors Sponsors next Registered participants Public Media Social Media last Have someone monitoring your social media through the event time to answer questions Large Public Event Board of Directors 1st Sponsors next (these may overlap) Registered participants – always get and phone number from registrations, this is why Public Media (use your relationships) Social Media last

15 Lessons from a 20 year Veteran
Let the professionals do what they do best People will find porta potties if they want them While you cannot change the weather, you can plan for it ahead of time. Keep notes during this year’s event for next year’s event Start early with planning and next year start earlier During the event, pace yourself Many “problems” do take care of themselves Ask the people involved how to solve the problem Never forget to say THANK YOU to everyone Let the professionals do what they do best. Ask the webmaster for input on how your website should look, ask a local bar to provide the beer garden with the chamber getting a portion of the profits, ask the billboard salesman to help design the billboard that is read while going 70+ mph. People will find the porta potties. They do not have be strategically placed at a street dance, just be sure they are inside the event perimeter Decide in advance what would cause a weather cancellation – temperature, forecast,, can you do it in the rain, is there another venue? Keep notes for next year All of those great ideas that you get at the very last minute – write them down – I usually start this file about 1 week prior to the event.

16 Personal Confession No one does everything right every time
Events are never perfect, ask anyone who has done a few I am still not very good at Thank You Notes! Every year there is room for improvement Cancelling an event is not a disaster, even if it is Christmas or the 4th of July Flexibility is key Share stories – Christmas 4th of July

17 Questions? Contact information: Debbi Rydberg Elk River Area Chamber of Commerce

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