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How to Document Your Role in Teaching/Education Shiphra Ginsburg MD, MEd, FRCPC Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Medicine Scientist, Wilson Centre for.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Document Your Role in Teaching/Education Shiphra Ginsburg MD, MEd, FRCPC Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Medicine Scientist, Wilson Centre for."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Document Your Role in Teaching/Education Shiphra Ginsburg MD, MEd, FRCPC Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Medicine Scientist, Wilson Centre for Research in Education 3 year review workshop, Nov 2013

2 Outline Review the pathways for promotion just for information (esp. T&E) Review the Teaching Dossier (Review the concept of scholarship in teaching and education) Answer any questions

3 Pathways for Promotion

4 Who needs a formal Teaching Dossier? For 3-year review a TD is required for ALL appointed as: CT, CE, CI, CQI Clinician-scientists and research scientists only require the TER plus teaching scores (formerly mini-TD) Just FYI: for promotion, it is required for the following pathways: Sustained excellence in teaching CPA in education Other pathways just require the Teaching and Education Report from WebCV and teaching scores

5 What is a teaching dossier? A teaching dossier (portfolio) is to teaching, what a …list of publications, grants, and honours are to research and scholarship (Seldin, 1997)

6 Why do I need a TD? Captures the complexity of teaching and educational activities Places the responsibility for evaluating teaching in the hands of faculty Prompts reflective practice and ongoing instructional improvement Helps foster a culture of teaching and learning scholarship Documents ones teaching abilities and development over extended period of time

7 Comparison of contents for TD Full TD for promotion (as per DOM website) Abbreviated TD for 3yr review CVDo NOT print out CV for TD Introduction and Teaching Philosophy (1 st page of TER) Teaching and Education Report (generated by WebCV) Do NOT print out entire TER again Body of contents in a large binderBody of contents in a thin binder -Teaching Data Summary Table-Teaching data summary table -TER by level/year-Do NOT include this -Summary of teaching scores (by level/year) -Include all teaching scores -Objective evidence, unsolicited documents, etc

8 Teaching and Education Report Introduction and Teaching Philosophy* Teaching Landmarks: pulls data from WebCV and summarizes over time period selected Education/teaching awards Innovations and developments in T & E Leadership and administrative service in education Breakdown of education by LEVEL (multi-level, undergrad, post-grad, grad, CE, FD, PPE, etc) Within each level activities are listed by ACADEMIC YEAR (most recent year first) Within each Academic Year activities are listed by TYPE (e.g., seminars, lectures, clinical supervision, innovations/development, admin service, presentations, etc)

9 Binder will have these sections Each in reverse chronological order (most recent on top) Multilevel education (2013-2014, 2012-2013, 2011-2012 …) Undergraduate education (non-MD, if relevant) Graduate education (if relevant) Undergraduate MD Postgraduate education Continuing education Faculty Development Patient/public education Other T&E activities (admin, grants, presentations, peer review) Research in Teaching & Education - reproduces Rsch section CPA in T&E – cross referenced to CPA report, Summary by category)


11 Binder items for 3yr review only Teaching philosophy, data summary tables* Within each section (multi, UG, PG, etc) insert relevant teaching evaluations POWER, MedSIS, other Then insert other RELEVANT documents Course outline/documents of innovations, programs (brief) Do not include all materials, copies of slides, etc Photocopies of awards, nomination letters Unsolicited letters BUT NOT ALL! Do not include emails, copies of schedules, etc

12 Example of Teaching Data Summary Whats missing? Include brief summaries of comments here, then put details in body of TD

13 Academic Statements

14 Teaching Philosophy Goal of any educator is to change learners knowledge, attitudes and/or behaviors in a predetermined direction Instruction, in turn, is influenced by the values, beliefs, prior experiences, and knowledge of the individual faculty member Each faulty member must be able to articulate her/his philosophy of education Make it relevant for you

15 Philosophy of Education Identify your aims, values, and beliefs about teaching Highlight key aspects deemed important to your teaching (e.g., specific teaching methods, assessment approaches) Specific contextual factors that affect or modify your approach (e.g., audience, discipline, purpose) Create an authentic, coherent, and connected presentation Be reflective – even include areas in which you want/need to improve*

16 Example of Intro and Philosophy Sections on: Educating about professionalism Educating about research Mentoring Clinical Teaching/spv Summary Introduction: Includes summary of activities to date, changes/evolution since appointment Within each section: Goals, approach, evaluations, reflections May be quite different for each End with a summary Can include goals for the future Include any Faculty Development plans, etc

17 Helpful tips Keep every piece of documentation Dont include every piece of documentation! Specifically DO NOT include Schedules of rounds with your name on it Emails/messages confirming times/dates of talks Copies of talks, presentations, papers*

18 Helpful tips Seek to participate in courses that have formal systematic evaluations of teaching as part of your teaching responsibility And/or seek your own input from learners about your teaching Dont assume that everything will be evaluated Encourage your learners to complete their evaluations

19 Helpful tips Actively seek documentation if it has not been provided to you Evaluations from CE events Letters of acknowledgement of significant education administrative activities Letters regarding adopting your teaching materials/research Maintain list of learners taught by year and by course (some of them will be your references for promotion) dont forget your role in formal mentoring relationships

20 Awards Find out what awards you may be eligible for Hospital department/division University division Faculty: undergraduate, postgraduate, continuing education Academy Find colleagues to support your application and nomination for these awards If you are not successful, get feedback Try again!

21 Helpful tips Seek assistance, on an ongoing basis, with your hospitals Teaching Effectiveness Committee representative(s) and/or Promotions mentors

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