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Presentation on theme: "SQUID AND STARFISH FUNCTIONS REVIEW"— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT STRUCTURE? These help the squid change direction when swimming.

3 WHAT STRUCTURE? These help the squid change direction when swimming.

4 WHAT STRUCTURE? This is the main part of the squid’s body – all of the organs are inside.

5 WHAT STRUCTURE? This is the main part of the squid’s body – all of the organs are inside. MANTLE

6 WHAT STRUCTURE? These spots change size to change the squid’s color for camouflage or communication.

7 WHAT STRUCTURE? These spots change size to change the squid’s color for camouflage or communication. CHROMATOPHORES

8 WHAT STRUCTURE? All that is left of the shell.

9 WHAT STRUCTURE? All that is left of the shell. PEN

10 WHAT STRUCTURE? Squid have 8 of these.

11 WHAT STRUCTURE? Squid have 8 of these. ARMS

12 WHAT STRUCTURE? Structure used by squid to see.

13 WHAT STRUCTURE? Structure used by squid to see. EYE

14 WHAT STRUCTURE? Squid have two of these structures that are used to grab food.

15 WHAT STRUCTURE? Squid have two of these structures that are used to grab food. TENTACLES

16 WHAT STRUCTURE? Found on the arms and tentacles, these structures help the squid to hold onto food.

17 WHAT STRUCTURE? Found on the arms and tentacles, these structures help the squid to hold onto food. SUCTION CUPS

18 WHAT STRUCTURE? General name for any reproductive organ

19 WHAT STRUCTURE? General name for any reproductive organ GONAD

20 WHAT STRUCTURE? This tube squirts out water so that the squid moves like a jet airplane.

21 WHAT STRUCTURE? This tube squirts out water so that the squid moves like a jet airplane. SIPHON

22 WHAT STRUCTURE? Absorb oxygen from the water

23 WHAT STRUCTURE? Absorb oxygen from the water GILLS

24 WHAT STRUCTURE? Highly developed for an invertebrate

25 WHAT STRUCTURE? Highly developed for an invertebrate BRAIN

26 WHAT STRUCTURE? Used for blood circulation

27 WHAT STRUCTURE? Used for blood circulation HEART

28 WHAT STRUCTURE? Gland that releases ink in times of danger

29 WHAT STRUCTURE? Gland that releases ink in times of danger INK SAC

30 WHAT STRUCTURE? Squid mouth parts

31 WHAT STRUCTURE? Squid mouth parts BEAK

32 WHAT STRUCTURE? Bulb-like structure that connects to tube feet

33 WHAT STRUCTURE? Bulb-like structure that connects to tube feet AMPULLA

34 WHAT STRUCTURE? Secrete digestive juices

35 WHAT STRUCTURE? Secrete digestive juices DIGESTIVE GLANDS

36 WHAT STRUCTURE? Opening through which food enters

37 WHAT STRUCTURE? Opening through which food enters MOUTH

38 WHAT STRUCTURE? Reproductive organs

39 WHAT STRUCTURE? Reproductive organs GONADS

40 WHAT STRUCTURE? Water enters through this structure

41 WHAT STRUCTURE? Water enters through this structure SIEVE PLATE

42 WHAT STRUCTURE? Part of water vascular system that passes into each ray

43 WHAT STRUCTURE? Part of water vascular system that passes into each ray RADIAL CANAL

44 WHAT STRUCTURE? Found at the end of the ampulla – allow starfish to move

45 WHAT STRUCTURE? Found at the end of the ampulla – allow starfish to move TUBE FEET

46 WHAT STRUCTURE? Connects digestive glands to the stomach

47 WHAT STRUCTURE? Connects digestive glands to the stomach PYLORIC DUCT

48 WHAT STRUCTURE? Waste products leave here

49 WHAT STRUCTURE? Waste products leave here ANUS

50 WHAT STRUCTURE? Comes out through mouth when feeding

51 WHAT STRUCTURE? Comes out through mouth when feeding CARDIAC STOMACH

52 WHAT STRUCTURE? Temporary storage areas for waste products

53 WHAT STRUCTURE? Temporary storage areas for waste products

54 WHAT STRUCTURE? Circular canal of the water vascular system

55 WHAT STRUCTURE? Circular canal of the water vascular system RING CANAL

56 WHAT STRUCTURE? Digestion is completed here

57 WHAT STRUCTURE? Digestion is completed here PYLORIC STOMACH

58 WHAT STRUCTURE? Found on the underside of each ray, this is where the tube feet project from

59 WHAT STRUCTURE? Found on the underside of each ray, this is where the tube feet project from AMBULACRAL GROOVE

60 WHAT STRUCTURE? Structure that connects sieve plate to the ring canal

61 WHAT STRUCTURE? Structure that connects sieve plate to the ring canal


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