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Featherstone Academy Year 6 Reading Workshop 12th February 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Featherstone Academy Year 6 Reading Workshop 12th February 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Featherstone Academy Year 6 Reading Workshop 12th February 2019

2 Aims To inform about reading expectations and provide hints and tips for reading at home. To explore the content and expectations of formative and statutory assessments. To model and explore key comprehension skills.

3 It’s not all about sats Importance of instilling a need to read – “Teens who choose to pick up a book for pleasure are more likely to succeed in life; research shows. But getting them to do so isn’t easy” Jonathan Douglas. Reading for pleasure at the age of 15 is a strong factor in determining future social mobility. Indeed, it has been revealed as the most important indicator of future success of the child.

4 Reading grid

5 Word reading The first thing we need to do is have an idea of how much your children have to read and answer in one hour. Have a read through the texts and the booklets. What do you think are the problems the children might face? What do you think might help them?

6 CLARIFYING QUESTIONS Clarifying: To be able to check that you understand what you are reading Do I know the meaning of this word? What questions does this raise in my mind? Do I understand what is happening in the text?




10 Monitoring and summarising questions
Summarising – Being able to condense ideas down to a general statement or identifying the key points or ideas. Monitoring – Being able to check a text makes sense/you understand what is being read.

11 Monitoring and summarising questions
Suggestions for help at home: Talk about reading Whether you have read with your child, or they have read independently, also ask questions such as: * Summarise what happened in that chapter. * What do you think the main point of that paragraph is? *Explain what happened in the last paragraph. *If that’s chapter had a name – what would it be? *If you could give that paragraph a subheading, what would it be?

12 Monitoring and summarising questions

13 Monitoring and summarising QUESTIONS ANSWERS

14 Select and retrieve questions (find and copy)
Select and retrieve – being able to quickly find information and use it to answer questions about a text When? Where? How? Who? What? Why?

15 Select and retrieve questions (find and copy)

16 Select and retrieve questions (find and copy)

17 Select and retrieve questions (find and copy)

18 Select and retrieve QUESTIONS ANSWERS

19 Select and retrieve QUESTIONS ANSWERS

20 Select and retrieve QUESTIONS ANSWERS

21 Inference questions Inference – being able to use clues (words and pictures) to understanding the text. Reading between the lines. What is the author trying to get across, without actually telling you? Actions, words etc.

22 Inference questions

23 Inference questions

24 Inference questions

25 Inference questions





30 Language for effect questions
Language for effect – being able to understand why an author has chosen to use a particular word or phrase. Why has he/she made that choice? Why did the author use the word…. What was the author trying to show when they used….

31 Language for effect questions

32 Language for effect QUESTIONS ANSWERS

33 Prediction questions Prediction – being able to predict what may happen next, based on what they have already read. They must use evidence from the text.

34 Prediction question answers

35 Helping at home

36 Thank you for attending
Please fill in an evaluation form, as we would welcome any feedback. Any suggestions, will be listened to. Please take your packs home with you, and maybe see if you can answer any more questions with your child. Do you think you’ll feel more at ease with supporting them?

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