Welcome to Year 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3

2 Meet the team Mrs Perry Teaching Assistant Miss Garbett Year 3 Teacher
Mrs Price Teaching Assistant

3 Rewards We love to reward your children for good behaviour and super learning! We use Class Dojo and children can spend their points. Each week, one pupil is chosen for our Golden Book Assembly.

4 Sanctions We will rarely have to use these…..
Time out for 5 minutes after 3 warnings Loss of break time

5 Timetable

6 Swimming Children go swimming in Year 3 from September to February.
Your child should bring the following to school for swimming: Swimming costume or trunks (close fitting only no shorts please) A towel A swimming hat (these can be purchased from the office for £1)

7 Homework Reading Children are expected to read for at least 15 minutes four times a week. They should fill in what they have read in their homework diary and bring it to school every day. Please sign their diary and leave a comment. Times Tables (2x, 4x, 8x, 3x, 6x, 5x, 10x) If 5 x 5 = 25 then 25 ÷ 5 = 5 Your child will receive one piece of maths and English homework each week. Homework will be set on a Friday. This will be due back in school the following Wednesday.

8 Spellings Spellings Children are expected to practise their spellings each week in preparation for their test on Monday. The children are also expected to write sentences which include words from the weekly spelling list. Here are some fun ways to practise your Spellings.


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