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Workshop Collaborative Research in Museums:

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1 Workshop Collaborative Research in Museums:
Kayte McSweeney Julia Ankenbrand Workshop Collaborative Research in Museums: Making Space for the Community Participation you do

2 Other platforms than display and collections database
Internal structures, preconceptions of each other’s’ roles Feeling marginalised in your own organisations Time scales and expectations Support network We are complicit in the condition we feel, how can we not be the centre? The importance of writing and dissemination

3 Connect yourself, your work
Focus on process, not outcomes Build in time for reflection Don’t lose sight of purpose Funding related actions Roles to play as staff Structures and processes Risks The concept of space

4 Collaborative and action research principles
Speak for yourself – everybody is a researcher Knowledge and learning are social, produced in conversation – needs different perspectives involved Power is not a monolith, power/structures made up through small everyday interactions Knowledge is a process, not a fixed product, learning and change are ongoing Working with different ways of knowing Knowledge and change are interconnected – knowledge is more powerful if everybody involved in an issue is involved Focus on connections, not linear cause and effect Inquiry approach – notice how what you do has impact

5 Open space Ways of Knowing Community Engagement as Research

6 Action planning What practical steps can you think of you could try out to address some of the challenges you just spoke about? What small first action could you take? How could you maybe use collaborative research to address this issue? Who would be involved?

7 Stay in touch Making Space for Participative Practice Facebook group

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