American Revolution: Battle of Monmouth

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Presentation on theme: "American Revolution: Battle of Monmouth"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Revolution: Battle of Monmouth

2 A. Gen Clinton replaces Gen Howe
General Henry Clinton

3 1. Gen Clinton is ordered to leave Philadelphia and return to NYC

4 2. Leaves Philadelphia with 10 miles of. war booty
2. Leaves Philadelphia  with 10 miles of war booty (goods, property, personal items taken by force during times of war).

5 3. Washington attacks him at Monmouth, NJ in June 28, 1778

6 4. General Lee (Americans) leads Patriot attack and then retreats army

7 5. Washington. fires. Lee and personally. regroups
5. Washington fires Lee and personally regroups army to lead counter-attack.  Puts himself within firing range of British muskets.

8 6. Clinton retreats to NYC at night .
Washington confronts Lee and relieves him of duties and later court-martialed

9 7. Battle of Monmouth - considered a. tie. for both sides
7. Battle of Monmouth - considered a tie for both sides.  Von Steuben's training makes a big difference .

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