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Capitalize the First Letter of Every Word in a Title Except for { a, an, the, at, by, for, in , of, on, to, up, and, as, but, or} Group name, individual.

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Presentation on theme: "Capitalize the First Letter of Every Word in a Title Except for { a, an, the, at, by, for, in , of, on, to, up, and, as, but, or} Group name, individual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capitalize the First Letter of Every Word in a Title Except for { a, an, the, at, by, for, in , of, on, to, up, and, as, but, or} Group name, individual names (probably in alphabetical order) Introduction Subsection for a Goal Subsection for a Goal Some Final Thought or Plot Include only a few sentences here. This paragraph should give some basic information. When it is time for you to present your poster, don’t read the poster. Your poster should be clear enough to tell the basic idea and some results on its own and leave people asking questions for more details Maybe even change the heading title to the goal to save space Method You probably don’t have space to put in a completely different new analysis here. Use this space to do one more part of an analysis or to show some additional small result. Method This column might continue with the analysis of the last column or might be a new goal. In some cases you might want to merge the middle two columns into one giant column giving you three columns in total. Feel free to change the colour as well. State the method you used and write out the model (if applicable) with any estimated coefficients in it. or use a symbolic formula like Y = Xß + ε, ε~N(0,σ2). Or say what you are looking for when you did exploratory analysis or plotting. Conculsion Make sure you spell check and proof read, ‘conculsion' isn’t a real word. If you tried more than one method/model, you might want to highlight which one was better. If you did exploratory analysis you could say what you could do in future. You could use this space to say the ‘executive summary’ of your results. Result Goal Your poster text shouldn’t be more than a few sentences in any space. Keep it easy and interesting by having few words instead of big paragraphs with full explanations. Include figures because they convey a lot of info and are eye catching. Small tables (3 or 4 rows and columns) are fine but big tables are hard to read. The goal is to make a poster that is: 36 inches tall by 48 inches wide looks nice gives someone a basic idea of your work gives you some tools for verbally explaining your work Result Give a plot (preferred) and/or a table. Make sure you label axes and use thick lines for the plot so it looks good. Highlight the main message in the table and /or consider giving a one sentence explanation of the result. Acknowledgements Just put in a list or use a phrase like “We would like to acknowledge support from:” Uken Games, the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, your mentor (if applicable), some other person You could put in a plot here. Use a font of size 36 at least for text and larger for headings and titles This template is modified from

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