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Proton Decay The Next Big Thing?

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1 Proton Decay The Next Big Thing?
Chiaki Yanagisawa Science Department, BMCC/CUNY Physics/Engineer/Astronomy Seminar November 29, 2017

2 The Standard Model of Particle Physics

3 What Is Matter Made of? Building blocks of matter (the Standard Model) Discoveries of too many “elementary” particles lead to more fundamental model + Gauge theory  The Standard Model +2/3 e -1/3 e 0 e -1 e Q ±1 e H 11/29/17

4 What Is Matter Made of? Building blocks of matter (the Standard Model) Discoveries of too many “elementary” particles lead to more fundamental model + Gauge theory  The Standard Model The members of one generation: - two quarks, one +2/3e another -1/3e (actually quarks come with 3 colors) - two leptons, charged and neutrino (electron) (electron neutrino) +2/3 e -1/3 e 0 e -1 e Q ±1 e H 11/29/17

5 What Is Matter Made of? Building blocks of matter (the Standard Model) Discoveries of too many “elementary” particles lead to more fundamental model + Gauge theory  The Standard Model The members of one generation: - two quarks, one +2/3e another -1/3e (actually quarks come with 3 colors) - two leptons, charged and neutrino (muon) (muon neutrino) +2/3 e -1/3 e 0 e -1 e Q ±1 e H 11/29/17

6 What Is Matter Made of? Building blocks of matter (the Standard Model) Discoveries of too many “elementary” particles lead to more fundamental model + Gauge theory  The Standard Model The members of one generation: - two quarks, one +2/3e another -1/3e (actually quarks come with 3 colors) - two leptons, charged and neutrino (tau) (tau neutrino) +2/3 e -1/3 e 0 e -1 e Q ±1 e H 11/29/17

7 What Is Matter Made of? Building blocks of matter (the Standard Model) Discoveries of too many “elementary” particles lead to more fundamental model + Gauge theory  The Standard Model The members of one generation: - two quarks, one +2/3e another -1/3e (actually quarks come with 3 colors) - two leptons, charged and neutrino Force carriers, a.k.a, gauge bosons - g mediates electromagnetic force - g (gluons) mediates strong force - Z0/W± bosons mediate weak force +2/3 e -1/3 e 0 e -1 e Q ±1 e H 11/29/17

8 What Is Matter Made of? Building blocks of matter (the Standard Model) Discoveries of too many “elementary” particles lead to more fundamental model + Gauge theory  The Standard Model The members of one generation: - two quarks, one +2/3e another -1/3e (actually quarks come with 3 colors) - two leptons, charged and neutrino Force carriers, a.k.a, gauge bosons - g mediates electromagnetic force - g (gluons) mediates strong force - Z0/W± bosons mediate weak force Higgs, a.k.a, God particle - Responsible for masses +2/3 e -1/3 e 0 e -1 e Q ±1 e H 11/29/17

9 H - What Is Matter Made of?
Building blocks of matter (the Standard Model) Quarks, hadrons and mesons +2/3 e -1/3 e 0 e -1 e Q ±1 e H Proton p : uud Neutron n : udd Pion p+/p-/p0 : ud/ud/uu+dd - baryons hadrons mesons Particles made of quarks are called hadrons: mp ~ 1GeV, mp ~ 0.1 GeV Note: quarks and gluons have “colors”- red, blue and green 1 eV = energy of an electron accelerated by 1 V of electric potential difference: Note E = mc2 11/29/17

10 H - What Is Matter Made of?
Building blocks of matter (the Standard Model) Quarks, hadrons and mesons +2/3 e -1/3 e 0 e -1 e Q ±1 e H Proton p : uud Neutron n : udd Pion p+/p-/p0 : ud/ud/uu+dd - baryons hadrons mesons Particles made of quarks are called hadrons: mp ~ 1GeV, mp ~ 0.1 GeV Particles that are not made of quarks and are not force carriers are called leptons: me~0.5 MeV, mm ~0.1 GeV mn=0 eV (assumed but wrong) 1 eV = energy of an electron accelerated by 1 V of electric potential difference: Note E = mc2 11/29/17

11 H - What Is Matter Made of?
Building blocks of matter (the Standard Model) Quarks, hadrons and mesons +2/3 e -1/3 e 0 e -1 e Q ±1 e H Proton p : uud Neutron n : udd Pion p+/p-/p0 : ud/ud/uu+dd - baryons hadrons mesons Particles made of quarks are called hadrons: mp ~ 1GeV, mp ~ 0.1 GeV Particles that are not made of quarks and are not force carriers are called leptons: me~0.5 MeV, mm ~0.1 GeV mn=0 eV (assumed but wrong) Force carriers mediate interactions/ forces: mW,Z~100 GeV, mg,g = 0 eV 1 eV = energy of an electron accelerated by 1 V of electric potential difference: Note E = mc2 11/29/17

12 H - What Is Matter Made of?
Building blocks of matter (the Standard Model) Quarks, hadrons and mesons +2/3 e -1/3 e 0 e -1 e Q ±1 e H Proton p : uud Neutron n : udd Pion p+/p-/p0 : ud/ud/uu+dd - baryons hadrons mesons Particles made of quarks are called hadrons: mp ~ 1GeV, mp ~ 0.1 GeV Particles that are not made of quarks and are not force carriers are called leptons: me~0.5 MeV, mm ~0.1 GeV mn=0 eV (assumed but wrong) Force carriers mediate interactions/ forces: mW,Z~100 GeV, mg,g = 0 eV Source of masses: Higgs particle mHiggs ~ 125 GeV 11/29/17

13 Fundamental Forces Fundamental interactions/forces
There are four known fundamental forces: Gravitational, weak, electromagnetic, and strong forces W/Z BOSONS GLUONS 11/29/17

14 The Standard Model Fundamental interactions/forces electromagnetic
weak strong strong weak weak electromagnetic 11/29/17

15 Fundamental Forces Fundamental interactions/forces Feynman Diagrams

16 Grand Unified Theories (GUTs)

17 Idea of Unification of Forces
Fundamental interactions/forces Strength of fundamental forces unification point - At the unification point three forces become one force. - At the beginning of the Universe, Big Bang, this must have happened as, at Big Bang, tremendous energy was confined in a extremely small space. Strong force Electromagnetic force Weak force 11/29/17

18 Idea of Unification of Forces
History of unification Maxwell Weinberg-Glashow- Salam 20th Century ~1959,1967 Wilczek-Gross-Politzer 1973 Many 20th- 21st Century Grand Unification Theory of Everything The Standard Model is not a grand unified model. But it describes weak, electromagnetic and strong forces with a common language called gauge theory with a help from group theory and Higgs mechanism. Fermi et al. 1933 Newton 1687 Einstein 1915 11/29/17

19 The Simplest GUT Model Based on SU(5) Group
A model of grand unified model (Georgi and Glashow 1981) Quarks and leptons and their anti-particles are in two groups. Note: There is no anti-neutrino. New “gauge” bosons X and Y mediate new force. 11/29/17

20 The Simplest GUT Model Based on SU(5) Group
Proton decay p  e+ + p0 p0 p 11/29/17

21 The Simplest GUT Model Based on SU(5) Group
What the Georgi and Glashow model brings? Quarks, anti-quarks, leptons, anti-leptons in two groups Charge quantization - the minimum charge unit is 1/3 e. It describes the electroweak and strong forces in a unified way. - with a language of gauge theory based on SU(5) group theory. Predict nucleon decays such as pe+ + p0 etc. - quarks and leptons can convert to each others. - Most of grand unified theories predict this decay. 11/29/17

22 Super-Kamiokande Detector

23 Cherenkov Radiation Principle of Cherenkov radiation bullet
Shock wave bullet When a charged particle moves faster than the speed of light in a medium such as water (v > c/n), electrons in atoms of the medium oscillate and radiate electromagnetic waves (=light) like shock waves produced by super-sonic jet or bullet. 11/29/17

24 How To Detect Charged Particles
Water Cherenkov detector (Note: Cerenkov is wrong spelling) Water Cherenkov Detector: IMB, Kamiokande, Super-Kamiokande, SNO Cherenkov radiation discovered by Pavel Cherenkov (Nobel Prize 1958) When the speed of a charged particle exceeds that of light IN WATER, electric shock waves in form of light are generated similar to sonic boom sound by super-sonic jet plane . These light waves form a cone and are detected as a ring by a plane equipped by photo- sensors. 11/29/17

25 How to Distinguish e±/g from others
Electromagnetic shower Electron/positron in matter Photon/g in matter An electron radiates a photon when it travels a distance of X0 While it travels in matter it loses energy due to ionization loss and elastic scattering as well A photon creates an electron-positron pair when it travels a distance of (9/7)X0 While it travels in matter it loses energy due to Compton scattering as well Electromagnetic shower g e+ e- 5/12/07 C. Yanagisawa, PHY431

26 How To Detect Neutrinos (One Method)
How do we find flavor of neutrinos Non-showering muon-like ring (simulated) ne + n  p + e- nm + n  p + m- Showering electron or g -like ring (simulated) Most of time invisible 11/29/17

27 The Super-Kamiokande (SK) Detector
An atmospheric neutrino detected by Super-Kamiokande Seeing atmospheric neutrino underground The Super-Kamiokande detector 50 kton Water Cherenkov ~40 m (diameter) x ~40 m (height) 1000 m under Mt. Ikeno, Japan An atmospheric muon neutrino captured by Super-Kamiokande 11/29/17

28 How To Detect Neutrinos
Super-Kamiokande Super-Kamiokande 11/29/17

29 Nucleon Decays

30 Nucleon Decays What does proton decay pe+p0 event look like?
Signal events: 3 showering rings with 2 rings making a p0 mass and with 3 rings making a proton mass Proton decay : p  e+ + p0 gg g e+ g But there is a problem! 11/29/17

31 Major Background Atmospheric neutrino Earth’s atmosphere is constantly
bombarded by cosmic rays. Energetic cosmic rays (mostly protons from supernova explosions) interact with atoms in the air. These interactions produce many particles-air showers. Neutrinos are produced in decays of charged pions and muons. p+m+ + nm , m+e+ + nm + ne 11/29/17

32 Signal and Background Atmospheric neutrino events mimicking proton decay pe+p0 Proton decay : p  e+ + p0 gg Atmospheric (anti-)neutrinos: p+m+ + nm , m+e+ + nm + ne Atmospheric neutrino interaction in water: ne + p  e- + n + p0 gg Invisible as a ring but it is sometime captured by proton followed by gamma ray emission 11/29/17

33 Signal and Background Atmospheric neutrino events mimicking proton decay pe+p0 Proton decay : p  e+ + p0 gg Atmospheric (anti-)neutrinos: p+m+ + nm , m+e+ + nm + ne Atmospheric neutrino interaction in water: ne + p  e- + n + p0 gg Invisible as a ring but it is sometime captured by proton followed by gamma ray emission Total mass Mtot ~ Mproton Total momentum Ptot ~ 0 11/29/17

34 Signal and Background Total momentum Ptot vs. Total mass Mtot
500 yr MC 0.306 Mt·yr exposure Apr 1996 – Mar 2015 Ptot (MeV/c) 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000 Mtot (MeV/c2) No candidate in the signal region! 11/29/17

35 Signal and Background Total momentum Ptot vs. Total mass Mtot
No candidate is found with Mt·yr exposure Proton lifetime > 1.6 × 1034 yr at 90% C.L. - The age of the Universe is 14 x 109 yr. - The simple SU(5) model predicts the lifetime 1029 – 1032 yr, so this model is disfavored by Super-Kamiokande. - A more complex model is required such as supersymmetric SU(5) model or SO(10), but supersymmetry is nowhere to be found. 11/29/17

36 Conclusion Discovery of proton decay would be a game changer – Grand Unification But no proton decay p  e+ p0 candidate has been found. This put the lower limit on the proton lifetime at 1.6 x 1034 year. This limit rejects the simplest grand unified theory of SU(5) group. We are still waiting for proton to decay. NOW Credit: Symmetry Magazine 11/29/17

37 Conclusion Discovery of proton decay would be a game changer – Grand Unification But no proton decay p  e+ p0 candidate has been found. This put the lower limit on the proton lifetime at 1.6 x 1034 year. This limit rejects the simplest grand unified theory. We are still waiting for proton to decay. Hyper-Kamiokande (10 x Super-Kamiokande) may find it someday. My dream: Some day in the future…. Credit: Symmetry Magazine 11/29/17

38 Future Prospective Hyper-Kamiokande (10 x Super-Kamiokande volume), if approved, may discover proton decay some day. A big improvement in detection efficiency or in background rejection may help to increase a chance to find proton decay. - I have been trying in the past one year to improve these using an algorithm of machine learning called Supper Vector Machine. standard SK cut Possible improved cut 100 MeV/c 11/29/17

39 Backup Slides

40 Examples of Interactions (Feynman Diagrams)
Weak interaction: neutrino production Free neutron decay: np+e-+ne neutrino source from nuclear reactor e- ne d u p n W- Muon decay: m-W- + nm e- + ne + nm neutrino source from accel./atm. e- W- m- nm ne 11/29/17

41 Examples of Interactions
Neutrino production and interactions Charged pion decay p+m++nm neutrino source from accel./atm. u d W+ m+ nm p+ Charged current (CC) neutrino interaction nm + n m- + p Neutral current (NC) neutrino interaction nm + p(n) nm + p(n) Z nm u d n W nm m- u d n p 11/29/17

42 Nucleon Decays Proton Decay p  e+ + p0
Almost all GUTs theories predicts p  e+ + p0 11/29/17

43 How to Detect Neutrinos (One Method)
Supersonic wave dir. of sound Wave front In phase The sound source moves slower than sound wave The sound source moves as fast as sound wave The sound source moves faster than sound wave When the jet fighter breaks the sound barrier, it creates shockwave. 11/29/17

44 What Is Matter Made of? Building blocks of matter (the Standard Model) Discoveries of too many “elementary” particles lead to more fundamental model: the Standard Model. The members of one generation: - two quarks, one +2/3e another -1/3e (actually quarks come with 3 colors) - two leptons, charged and neutrino Force carriers, a.k.a, gauge bosons - g mediates electromagnetic force - g (gluons) mediates strong force - Z0/W± bosons mediate weak force Higgs, a.k.a, God particle - Responsible for masses +2/3 e -1/3 e 0 e -1 e Q ±1 e H 1 eV = energy of an electron accelerated by 1 V of electric potential difference: Note E = mc2 11/29/17

45 Idea of Unification of Forces
History of unification 11/29/17

46 The Simplest Model A model of grand unified model (Georgi and Glashow 1981) 11/29/17

47 Support Vector Machine
1-min review (see more details in the backup slides) Maximize the margin separating the signal events (S) from back- ground events (B). Wikipedia margin S B 6/2/2017

48 Support Vector Machine
1-min review (see more details in the backup slides) Maximize the margin separating the signal events (S) from back- ground events (B). Wikipedia margin S B If the complete separation fails, introduce penalty Cx (C parameter, x ~ distance from ---) x 6/2/2017

49 Support Vector Machine
1-min review (see more details in the backup slides) Maximize the margin separating the signal events (S) from back- ground events (B). If the complete separation fails, introduce penalty Cx (C parameter, x ~ distance from ---) If non-linear separation is needed, transform points into another feature space using a function f in form of the kernel. Wikipedia margin S B x f-1 Kernel : K(x, x’) = fT(x)f(x’) = (xT·x’ + 1)d polynomial = exp(-g|x-x’|2) Gaussian x, x’ : feature vector such as (Ptot, Mtot) 6/2/2017

50 Support Vector Machine
1-min review (see more details in the backup slides) Maximize the margin separating the signal events (S) from back- ground events (B). If the complete separation fails, introduce penalty Cx (C parameter, x ~ distance from ---) If non-linear separation is needed, transform points into another feature space using a function f. Wikipedia margin S B x f-1 For the analysis Gaussian based transforming function is used. There are four parameters: Gaussian width g-1, strength of the penalty function C, weights for sig/bkg (wsig/wbkg) Software used is a python package called scikit-learn a.k.a. sk-learn! 6/2/2017

51 Support Vector Machine
Effect of g value For the analysis Gaussian based transforming function is used. There are four parameters: Gaussian width g-1, strength of the penalty function C, weights for sig/bkg (wsig/wbkg) Software used is a python package called scikit-learn a.k.a. sk-learn! x = 0.10 wider width g = 10.0 = 100.0 narrower width The bigger g, the more individual events become powerful to determine the boundary. 6/2/2017

52 Support Vector Machine
Effect of C and wsig value For the analysis Gaussian based transforming function is used. There are four parameters: Gaussian width g-1, strength of the penalty function C, weights for sig/bkg (wsig/wbkg) Software used is a python package called scikit-learn a.k.a. sk-learn! x C = 10.0 C = C = The larger C, the more aggressively intruders are removed. The smaller wsig compared with wbkg, the more aggressively background evens are removed. 6/2/2017

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