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Capt. Johnston Blakely Elementary School

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1 Capt. Johnston Blakely Elementary School
Welcome! SCHOOL YEAR Capt. Johnston Blakely Elementary School Mrs. Barbara McMahon Grade 4 8/26/2019

2 Who is Mrs. McMahon? Teacher for over 35 years Master’s degree with many credits in specialized coursework 2001 recipient of Gates Foundation grant entitled Teacher Leadership Project Knowledge of spectrum of curriculum from having taught grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, as well as experience as specialist for Talented and Gifted students, and computer specialist for a 5th/6th grade school in Massachusetts. 8/26/2019

3 About Our Classroom Attendance: being on time leads to stress-free start Absences: please call if work is to be sent Trips: keep a journal, read. Other work to be made up upon return. Birthdays! – celebrated in afternoon. Treats for class of 28. Summer birthdays? NO PEANUTS! Parent Volunteers? YES, YES, YES! Sign up… Field Trips: Not possible without parental help. First field trip is scheduled for Sept. 28 to Fay Bainbridge Park to get inspiration from nature, as a writing project. 8/26/2019

4 4TH GRADE HOMEWORK Folders sent home on Monday afternoons with two due dates: Wed. and Fri. usually. Parental assistance needed for child to make a work plan for the week’s assignments TIME: minutes daily, including 20 minutes of reading in assigned book QUALITY: Parental review needed: neatness, spelling, completion, thoughtful response DUE DATES: Meeting deadlines successfully is an important life-skill. Child must organize folder and backpack to return work on time. 8/26/2019

5 4th Grade Curriculum LANGUAGE ARTS: integrated themes:
JOURNEYS and ADVENTURES MYSTERIES GREEK MYTHOLOGY SCIENCE FICTION/SCIENCE FACT Reading contracts: balance of choice and assigned reading - promoting student independence Writing – strong emphasis often built around the ongoing theme Spelling: Instruction in rules of spelling the 100 Lifelong Words personal word lists 8/26/2019

6 4th Grade Curriculum MATHEMATICS – Investigations Math
Emphasizing number sense, mental math and reasoning Much of the practice is accomplished through game playing Memorization of basic math facts important Considerable practice in basic arithmetic is still needed HEAVILY SUPPLEMENTED by other math activities and lessons to include work in measurement, geometry, probability/statistics, all operations, and problem solving 8/26/2019

7 4th Grade Curriculum History of Bainbridge Island
SCIENCE Seeds and Germination Water Electric Circuits Environmental Education at Olympic Park Institute SOCIAL STUDIES History of Bainbridge Island Washington State history Maps and Globes skills Time for Kids weekly newsmagazine 8/26/2019

8 Parent Conferences October 5, 6 and 7 Fall Planning conferences (AM+PM) Sign up for Oct. conference at office TODAY March 7-9 Spring conferences Communication pathways Telephone: Note from home Please make an appointment rather than if you have a major concern 8/26/2019

9 Grading Tied to assessments and to progress in meeting the Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRS) 4 = excellent performance, skills, knowledge (beyond grade level expectations 3 = solid performance and meets grade level expectations consistently 2 = partial understanding or accomplishment of grade level expectations. Student is progressing. 1 = student has difficulty understanding or achieving grade level knowledge and skills, and needs additional practice or support. 8/26/2019


11 QUESTIONS? 8/26/2019

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