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Employee Communications APTA Marketing & Communications Workshop

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1 Employee Communications APTA Marketing & Communications Workshop
February 26, 2019

2 Sound Transit District Meeting growing demand
75,508 165,000 700,000 550,000 PROJECTED Sound Transit District 40% of the state’s population (50%+ under 40) Meeting growing demand

3 Why do we care about Employee Comms?
EMPLOYEES ARE THE BRAND: employees influence external audience perceptions, especially those of customers, in ways that public relations and marketing efforts can’t. EMPLOYEES impact productivity and influence one another. Engaged employees are more productive and better advocates for the organization. Engaged employees talk of “we”; Less engaged employees talk of “me”; Engaged employees have lower attrition Engaged employees work harder, smarter, and safer Engaged employees are brand (values) champions

4 Gallup: Only 34% of (US) employees feel engaged
Do employees understand what is expected of them? Do employees feel they are surrounded by supportive employees? Do employees feel they’ll be recognized when they peform well?

5 “You will prioritize employee comms…”
A rapidly growing workforce, many new employees Evolving culture and business process to deliver projects & services Employee feedback: ‘We need stronger engagement’ Managing growth and change without information overload

6 Our goal Evolve the employee communications program to enhance employee effectiveness and increase satisfaction

7 A multi-channel approach
All-staff meetings Executive Posters, flyers The Hub intranet News Link newsletter Jabber, WebEx, SharePoint

8 Our wins Quality and consistency News Link
Executive-level input & behavior Values campaign Offsite all-hands meeting Learning what excites interest

9 Our setbacks Process, partnerships and resourcing
A steering committee that didn’t We can’t keep up! Production woes Roadblocks

10 Reimagining the All Staff meeting
Who owns the channel? What needs to be discussed in person? When and why to bring in the CEO… From a family, to a community

11 Looking forward Scale up and add value Fix the factory Strategic plan
Empower employees Better channels and tools

12 Where to start? If we had to start from scratch we would….
Define core business objectives Confirm short and long term goals Human resources Executive leaders Establish clear roles and responsibilities Create channel/content strategic plan to support our goals Test drive process and tactics Define success and measure progress

13 Thank you.

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