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Short Story Unit Vocabulary Words

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1 Short Story Unit Vocabulary Words

2 Incongruously-1 P.O.S- adjective Derived from: Latin
Definition: in a way that does not fit; inappropriately; oddly

3 Periphery-2 P.O.S: noun Derived from: French periferie meaning round
Definition: the surrounding area; outskirts

4 Finality-3 P.O.S: noun Derived from: French finalité meaning final
Definition: the state of being settled; decisiveness

5 Incomprehensible-4 P.O.S: adjective
Derived from: Latin incomprehēnsibilis. Definition: not understandable

6 Coveted-5 P.O.S- adjective Derived from: Latin cupiditā to desire
Definition: desired strongly; wished for longingly

7 Depreciated-6 P.O.S- verb Derived from: Latin
de- "down" + pretium "price" Definition: to lessen, the price or value of

8 Instigate-7 P.O.S- verb Derived from: Latin instigare
Definition: to stir up or cause to happen

9 Imputation-8 P.O.S- noun Derived from: Latin
Definition: An accusation.

10 Parsimony-9 P.O.S- Noun Derived from: Latin parsimonia meaning sparingness, frugality Definition: stinginess; extreme cheapness, miserliness

11 Prudence-10 P.O.S- Noun Derived from: French
Definition: cautious, good judgment

12 Enveloped-11 P.O.S- verb Derived from: French to be “involved in”
Definition: to wrap up in or as in a covering

13 Beleaguered-12 P.O.S- verb Derived from: Dutch belegeren "to besiege"
Definition: to surround with military forces.

14 Turret-13 P.O.S- Noun Derived from: French
Definition: a small tower, usually one forming part of a larger structure.

15 Paroxysm-14 P.O.S- Noun Derived from: Latin paroxysmus sudden irritation Definition: any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotion

16 Silhouetted-15 P.O.S- verb Derived from: French
Definition: to remove the background details so as to produce an outline effect.

17 Parapet-16 P.O.S- Noun Derived from: French
Definition: a defensive wall or elevation, as of earth or stone, in a fortification.

18 Accost-17 P.O.S: verb Derived from:
Definition: to approach and a speak to in a especially aggressive manner

19 Preclude-18 P.O.S: verb Derived from: Latin
Definition: to prevent; make impossible

20 Impunity-19 P.O.S: noun Derived from: Latin
Definition: Freedom from punishment, harm, or bad consequences

21 Implore- 20 P.O.S: verb Derived from: Latin
Definition: to ask earnestly; to beg

22 Explicit-21 P.O.S: adjective Derived from: French
Definition: definitely stated; clearly expressed

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