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Marks of a healthy church Week 6 – Mark #5 evangelism

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1 Marks of a healthy church Week 6 – Mark #5 evangelism
Mark dever

2 March is Missions Month!
March 3 – Denny & Sue Barger – Dreams Alive March 10 – Anees Zaka – Church Without Walls March 17 – Clay & Becky Walter – Mission Aviation Fellowship March 24 – Chris & Heather Christensen - Bangladesh March 31 – In This Time of Need – Venezuelan Refugees

3 Marks of a healthy church
Expositional Preaching Biblical Theology The Gospel Conversion Evangelism Membership Discipleship/Growth Discipline Leadership Corporate Prayer The Great Commission Mission Raising Up Leaders Reasons to Join a Church

4 Last WeeK: mark #4 – conversion
What is root meaning of Christian conversion? Turning, doing “a 180” Today’s Culture: “You should not impose your ideas on others” Before conversion, what were you like? Romans 3:10 – none are righteous, not one Slavery, in debt, bankrupt, dead are descriptions of our condition before conversion Change is absolutely necessary!! What does God owe us? He will judge us because he is good, leaving us in trouble

5 Last week: Mark #4 - conversion
Hebrews 11:1-2 Hope is not “hoping for another Cubs or Phillies World Series win” It is the “desire for a future outcome that absolutely certain” We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure Faith communicates the essence of our hope and it carries a strong element of trust What is saving faith? – diabetes illustration Not seen – does that mean “blind faith”? 2 Peter 1:16:  ”For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty” Luke 1:1-3

6 Last week: Mark #4 - Conversion
Real faith is knowledge or “justified true belief” Faith is not blind, but trust in a person who made a promise to you and me And…the “crucial” understanding of the atonement – helpful for robust evangelism!

7 Mark #5 - evangelism

8 Marks of a healthy church – #5 evangelism
Working to persuade others is evangelism 5 Things that evangelism is not It is not a matter of imposing, it is an invitation that we are to present accurately What you are sharing, you are presenting something independent of us We cannot impose, it is making sure the others hear, the fruit is up to God Proclamation and love is what is required Evangelism is not a personal testimony Our story may assist, but it is not evangelism per se It is not social action or social service Societies are changed for the better when conversion occurs – that is secondary effect SD vs. SF

9 Mark #5 – evangelism Evangelism is not Apologetics
Apologetics may be used to lead to evangelism especially when people reject the bible Apologetics is answering questions and defending the faith – see Ravi Zacharias Evangelism follows Christ’s agenda, not someone else’s Evangelism is not numbers of conversions Not within our power to do convert anyone We cannot define evangelism in terms of results, but in being faithful in the message delivered “To evangelize is not to win converts, but to announce te good news irrespective of the results” – John Stott

10 Mark #5 - evangelism “We don’t determine the correctness of effectiveness of our message based on how people respond to it” We fail if we “don’t tell the gospel at all” Not a guilt driven burden but a joy filled privilege

11 Mark #5 - evangelism Wrong motives Right motives
Out of a motive to be right To win the argument! To improve our skill as evangelists Right motives To be Obedient – Great Commission Book of Acts Love for the Lost Jesus weeping over Jerusalem Because we Love the Lord!

12 Mark #5 – evangelism We are speaking the truth about him to his own creation “Then they will know that I am the Lord” – Ezekiel Bearing Fruit – John 15 We live in a pagan society most of whom do not know or understand the gospel America’s Elite are not a whole lot different than the Roman Empire How do you deal with objections?

13 March is missions month
Return in April with Mark #6 – Membership Give ’em Heaven!!

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