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Continental Meeting of the Americas: Reflection on Challenges

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1 Continental Meeting of the Americas: Reflection on Challenges
--language differences with no common language for discussion --different models of development between countries spanning developed and developing countries --lack of dedicated government support for issues of ESD and green development models --need for greater awareness of each RCE (issues and structures) to develop common projects and action plan --differences in public awareness within Americas and with other regions (e.g. Acceptance of climate change)

2 Vision for RCE Network RCEs role in building good relationships among communites (cultural and organizational) on ESD Central role of RCEs in advancing ESD as part of teacher preparation and ongoing teacher training Creation of a resource base of case studies and best practices for ESD Integration of indigenous knowledge in advancing regional sustainable livelihoods Strong role for RCEs in advancing ESD regarding citizenry and consumers to improve policy decisions of government and business Practical projects and understanding connecting local and global perspectives Ability to show impacts of RCE work in diverse areas RCEs as a new way of doing scholarship

3 Important Areas of Action
Structuring regular communication between RCEs based on language groups flagship proposal to focus on exchange of people and possible link with Rio +20 Use of RCE platform to facilitate Americas discussion and storing of materials from the Americas

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