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What memories do you associate with the place?

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Presentation on theme: "What memories do you associate with the place?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Think back about 10 years ago – try and recall a somewhere you visited or lived.
What memories do you associate with the place? What feelings do you have?

2 LO: To explore the language and meaning of the poem ‘The Emigree’

3 ‘The Emigree’ by Carol Rumens
Read the poem and summarise what it is about. How does it link to conflict and power?

4 Background to the poem ‘The Emigrée’ is taken from Carol Rumens’s Thinking of Skins, published in An emigrée is normally a person forced to leave a country for political or social reasons, but might there be a metaphorical use of the term here? The poem begins with memories of a country left ‘as a child’. Whatever news the speaker receives of this country cannot detract from the impression of sunlight she associates with that place. Is it a memory of a country, or perhaps of a time or a person? The second verse speaks of time threatening her and uses the language of yearning for something banned by the state. Is this a forbidden or unattainable love? The third verse begins with a simple, melancholy statement that there is no passport to allow a ‘way back’. And yet the narrator writes of being visited by her ‘city’ and talks of her relationship with this city in terms of love and devotion. The ‘city of walls’ is introduced at the end of the poem and appears menacing and threatening. Darkness, death and shadows feature in the last four lines but is the final word, ‘sunlight’, significantly optimistic?

5 Language With one highlighter, highlight all the positive aspects of the poem. With another, highlight in a different colour, all the negative aspects. Explore the use of conflict that the writer feels throughout the poem.

6 Language Identify any poetic techniques the writer uses. What is the implied meaning? How does it effect the reader?

7 What do you think of the nature of the conflict the writer is feeling?
Topic discussed by the poet Quote and where is it located (line number) How does the poet feel about this? The past Memory and imagination The news from the city she once knew The sunlight of the old city The city she once knew

8 Response Think about a country you have never been to. Imagine you are being forced to live there – how do you think you would feel? Write a creative piece which focuses on your previous home and the current one.

9 Plenary Think of one question to test your partner about the poem!

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