Co-Chairs: Keith Jeffery, Rebecca Koskela, Alex Ball

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1 Co-Chairs: Keith Jeffery, Rebecca Koskela, Alex Ball
Research Data Alliance 10th WG/IG Collaboration Meeting: Metadata Interest Group 9 January 2019 Co-Chairs: Keith Jeffery, Rebecca Koskela, Alex Ball -

2 - @resdatall
Purpose of Metadata IG Focus on all aspects of metadata for research data including data discovery contextualization validation analytical processing interoperation 23/08/2019 - @resdatall

3 - @resdatall
Accomplishments Metadata Principles Metadata Standards Directory WG Collection of use cases Metadata Standards Catalog List of elements and-their-use.html 23/08/2019 - @resdatall

4 Issues, challenges, problems
Getting started Keeping up with all the other groups looking at metadata Keeping interest between plenaries 23/08/2019 - @resdatall

5 Coordination with other WG/IGs
Joint sessions Responding when other groups reach out Metadata a component of many groups Types, Terminology, PIDs: formal structures in metadata Policy: key-value pairs; relationships carried by metadata Domain: many attributes, specific, some commonality, need for interoperation Repositories: quality assured by metadata Brokering: metadata (and especially good quality metadata) makes brokering feasible 23/08/2019 - @resdatall

6 Fit with the RDA mission
The RDA Vision: Researchers and innovators openly share data across technologies, disciplines, and countries to address the grand challenges of society. The RDA Mission: RDA builds the social and technical bridges that enable open sharing and re- use of data. 23/08/2019 - @resdatall

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