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Engage. Survey. Enhance. Repeat.

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1 Engage. Survey. Enhance. Repeat.
Dr. Simon Beer and Dr. Matt Fraser

2 Introduction and Overview
Case study of engagement activities for PGR students following a major institutional change in PGR enhancement and provision A discussion of what we implemented and how well this worked to engage students How engagement, feedback and enhancement are co-dependent

3 Enhancement Feedback Engagement

4 The University of Chester
In 2015 the Graduate School was disestablished and its responsibilities distributed to support departments and academic faculties For postgraduate Students this was a major institutional change, particularly with regard to central enhancement and engagement activities This was reflected both the institutional surveys but also in anecdotal feedback from students and staff Demographics skew towards part time PGR students (80%), with the majority of these living at a distance from the main campus

5 Where to start? Little central engagement or enhancement
Low student satisfaction in many areas, particularly where there had been little departmental PGR support or enhancement Students reporting feeling left out and disengaged from the University Confusion around who should be doing what – support departments, academic faculties, or students themselves?

6 Engagement From 2017 a range of central enhancement activities were undertaken for PGR students The key aims across these was to work towards creating a sense of a Postgraduate Research Community at the University, creating greater knowledge and awareness of what activities were available for PGR students, and increasing the range of development opportunities on offer The broad areas of focus – Communication, Events, Opportunities

7 Engagement - Communication
Postgraduate Research Newsletter Sent out in the first week of each month Incudes information about departmental and faulty level events as well as centrally provided opportunities Calls sent out to all faculties and departments welcoming them to send any information they may want circulating to PGR students Distributed via but archive copies kept online on moodle Also sent out to PGR supervisors as an important means of keeping them abreast of developments in PGR enhancement and support Dedicated address Improved contacts with members of staff across the University

8 Engagement - Events Postgraduate Research Symposium
A two day event running in February Brings together PGR students from across different Faculties and Departments in mixed paper sessions Writing Retreat A chance for students to focus on their writing One to one support as well as workshops Research Frontiers Lecture Series Enables students to get experience presenting their research in a lecture format

9 Engagement – Expanding Opportunities
Liaising with other support departments to expand PGR workshops E.g. On general academic skills such as referencing or more specific research focussed sessions such as managing a research presence online Expansion of online materials on a PGR specific moodle page Working with other institutions in the NW and Yorkshire to share access to PGR workshops and sessions

10 Feedback - Survey The PRES is our key tool for collating both quantitative and qualitative data on: PGR student satisfaction PGR community outlook Acts as a barometer for successful engagement & enhancement Allows an insight into what needs: Improving Maintaining

11 Survey – PRES 2018 response rates
PRES 2018 finished with a response rate of 48.36% This was an increase of 8.53% on the response rate from the 2017 survey (39.83%) The total number of respondents was 236 (of 488 potential respondents) This was also an increase of 46 respondents from the 2017 survey (total 190)

12 Survey – PRES 2018 response rates

13 Survey – PRES 2018 results 82% Aggregate score compared to 78% for the Sector 86% Overall satisfaction score compared to 80% for the Sector Exceeded the Sector and improved on last year’s results across all subsections of the survey Exceeded the Sector in ‘Research Culture’ by a statistically significant margin (71% to 63%)

14 Enhance Incorporated throughout the process
Refining and improving our enhancement and development resources and even discontinuing things that weren’t working Improvements to events such as the Symposium – refining format and structure Looking to incorporate new additions such as a Three Minute Thesis competition

15 Thank you! – Any questions or discussion?
Enhancement Refining and improving Adding new opportunities Engagement Communication Events Expanding opportunities Feedback Raised response rates Improved outcomes

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