Represent comparisons Using the symbols >, <, or =

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Presentation on theme: "Represent comparisons Using the symbols >, <, or ="— Presentation transcript:

1 Represent comparisons Using the symbols >, <, or =
Compare/Order I can compare and order Whole numbers to 1,000,000,000 and Represent comparisons Using the symbols >, <, or =

2 Comparing Numbers Use your strategies to analyze and make comparisons for each pair of numbers. Use the correct symbol to make an accurate comparison.

3 Answer Key Check your work and make corrections if necessary.

4 Order the numbers from Least to Greatest
Use your strategies to analyze and order the three numbers from Least to Greatest.

5 Answer Key Check your work and make corrections if necessary.

6 Order the Numbers from Greatest to Least/Least to Greatest
Use your strategies to analyze and order the three numbers from Least to Greatest.

7 Answer Key Check your work and make corrections if necessary.

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