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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS A SIGNIFICANT FIGURE?"— Presentation transcript:

When you are making a measurement there are always a certain number of known or certain digits. Then as part of the measurement there will always be a digit that is uncertain because it is your guess. The known or certain digits plus the first unknown Digit is referred to as the SIGNIFICANT FIGURES Kenneth E. Schnobrich

2 PRECISION vs ACCURACY PRECISION: this refers to a situation where the same result is gotten each time you perform the operation • repeatedly hitting the same spot in darts ACCURACY: this refers to how close you come to the accepted value or result • how close you are to the bullseye

3 SIGNIFICANT FIGURES The following rules apply to significant figures:
All digits in a measurement are considered significant Zeros that fall between digits are considered significant Zeros to the right of a decimal and to the right of a non-zero are considered significant If a decimal point is placed after a zero all of the intervening zeros are significant Zeros after a digit but not followed by a decimal are not significant

4 EXACT NUMBERS These are usually numbers that are obtained by
counting rather than using a measuring device such as a buret or graduated cylinder - 12 eggs in dozen, 2 socks in a pair, 144 in a gross © Kenneth E. Schnobrich

5 SIGNIFICANT FIGURES Working with Significant figures:
When you add or subtract numbers: the final answer can have no more decimal places than the least precise value in the operation 2. When you multiply or divide numbers: the final answer can have no more significant figures than the smallest number of significant figures in the operation

6 EXAMPLES ADDING & SUBTRACTING: 5.0043 4.032 1.02 3.2 5.0043 1.02 4.02

7 EXAMPLES Multiplying and Dividing 4.91 5.0043 4.032 1.02 5.0043 20.33

8 MORE EXAMPLES How many Significant figures in each of the following:

9 MORE EXAMPLES How many Significant figures in each of the following:
= /4 = x = = =

10 ROUNDING When rounding use only the first digit to the right of the last significant figure becomes 4.3 if rounded to 2 sig.figs. Rules: In a series of calculations, carry the extra digits through to the final result, then round. If the digit to be removed Is less than 5 the preceding digit stays the same becomes 1.3 Is equal to or greater than 5, the preceding digit is increased by becomes 1.4


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