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"Please not another Mental Health App"

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Presentation on theme: ""Please not another Mental Health App""— Presentation transcript:

1 "Please not another Mental Health App"

2 Who Am I talking to? What do I have to say? Where am I going?
"Please not another Mental Health App"

3 Who Am I talking to? Academics (research) Students (UG & PG)
Academics (T & L) Support Services Additional Stakeholders

4 What do I have to say? Mental health and Student Well Being require a rethink Universities must change -- "For everything to stay the same, everything must change," (Tancredi) Students need support – not just for league tables, NSS & employability (reputation & good will)

5 Context Facts & Figures
A record number of students died by suicide in Between 2007 and 2015, the number of student suicides increased by 79% Universities report a 94% increase in demands for counselling services Less than one third of universities have a designated wellbeing and mental health strategy

6 Context 2 The increase of students dropping out of HE studies increased by 210% from 2009 to 2015 87% of first year students are overwhelmed & have difficulty coping with the transition 60% struggle with managing deadlines & academic stress 44% refer to isolation … 36% experience financial difficulty Finally, 37% find it difficult to balance work & study

7 Context 3 Facts & Figures
Cost to the UK economy – estimated to be £105 Billion per annum Mental health illness is over represented in BAM by 25% 2015 NUS survey revealed that 78 per cent of students experienced mental health issues during the previous year. And for 33 per cent of those questioned, this included suicidal thoughts.

8 Context 4 What we did & why
Creative Entrepreneurship Module at UAL (Final year Advertising Degree students) Different models – VPC, Blue versus Red Oceans, Lean Start Up (MVP & Pivots), & HCD Traditional hallmarks of a agile / UX / empathetic approach Organised a sprint in June

9 What do I have to say? Pedagogy: Agile Skill set development
Getting your hands dirty Applying ideas & creating a tangible outcome The importance of facilitation Crucial to get all stakeholders participating (staff, students & support) Smaller groups is key Formative feedback Active participation Achievement Nothing wrong with failure

10 What do I have to say? How might we? Stop admiring the problem? 4 step sketch Lightening Demo Divide & Swarm

11 What do I have to say?

12 What do I have to say? Summary Not another F***king App
Academics are contributing Failure of support (fundamental) Lack of integration Support staff are the key (they do the work) Academics have to learn & flag up Deadlines & managing work Centralised service Shared space

13 What do I have to say? Insight Not an app Not mental Health
Change to Well Being

14 What do I have to say? Insight Email – never App – they are all crap
Physical Space Integrated – money, timetable, social, stress & shared

15 What do I have to say? Insight Genius bar Student space (our own)
Social dynamic Immediate help Integrated – stress, money, timetable

16 Where am I going? Further research
Informed teaching & learning strategy Interested in reviewing current research & completing an article Identify suitable conference & audiences for dissemination

17 Where am I going 2? Help on KSA’s provision Student support
Wider audience within the university Genius Bar – Launched at McGill this Year(!)

18 Thank you & any questions?

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