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Major political parties

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1 Major political parties
& UK Elections

2 Content 1.Major parties ---- History ---- two-party system 2. UK Election ---- major election ----the election in 2015

3 History 1.Before the mid-19th century  politics in the United Kingdom was dominated by the Whigs and the Tories . 2. The Whigs played a central role in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, and were the standing enemies of the Stuart King and pretenders, who were Roman Catholic.   The Whigs took full control of  the government in 1715, and remained totally dominant until King George  III, coming to the throne in 1760, allowed Tories back in.

4 History 1.By the mid 19th century the Tories had evolved into the Conservative Party and the Whigs had evolved into the Liberal Party. 2. The Liberal and Conservatives dominated the political scene until the 1920s, when the Liberal Party declined in popularity and suffered a long stream of resignations. It was replaced as the main anti-Tory opposition party by the newly emerging  Labour Party 3. Since then the Conservative and Labour Parties have dominated British politics, and have alternated in government ever since.

5 Two party system 1.Represent country :United Kingdom and American
2.Pro: (1)Help Voters Decide on a Party (2) More Efficient Government (3) Easily Managed 3.Cons: People Have Two Options  Promote Deadlock and Division Promote’s Corruption 

6 The majority party 1. Conservative Party
(1) founded in 1834 from the Tory Party (2)Status : the third-largest in the Scottish Parliament and second-largest in the Welsh Assembly. (3)  associated with the landed gentry, the Church of England and the  Church of Scotland (4)Represent the profit of bourgeoisie, squire, nobility (5)famous leader: David Cameron, Margaret Thatcher

7 The majority party 2. Labour Party (1)Founded in 1900
(2) the Labour Party overtook the Liberal Party as the main opposition to the  Conservative Party in the early 1920s (3)Status: The Labour Party is a full member of the  Party of European Socialists and  Progressive Alliance, and holds observer status in the Socialist International.  (4)Famous leader: Ramsay MacDonald(first prime minister in the Labour Party), James Callaghan, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair

8 Major UK General Election
The UK general election of 1992 ---the fourth consecutive victory for the Conservative Party ---The Conservatives received what remains the largest number of votes in British history, breaking the record set by Labor Party in 1951

9 Major UK General Election
The UK general election of The election was the first of four consecutive election victories for the Conservative Party, and Thatcher became the United Kingdom's and Europe's first female head of government. ----This was the first election that three main parties all advocated cutting income tax. ----Margaret thatcher put forward the theory of monetarism, introduced a series of policies and measures, control inflation, reviving the British economy.

10 UK General Election in 2015 Kick off: Britain this parliament dissolved March 30th 2015 New Parliament summoned:18 May 2015 Debate: 2nd April 2015, 7 party leaders will hold a televise debate for two hours. .

11 Polling day: 7 May 2015 Details :the most difficult to predict the election since the second world war Results: Conservative Party won 330 seats Labor won 239 seats, Scottish Party won 58 seats, The Liberal Democrats won 10 seats.

12 Comparing The Policies Of Major Party
Immigration Conservatives: After 4 years,migration can get benefits or social housing. Deport foreign criminals and prevent re-entry Labor: keep cap on workers from outside the EU, it’s for employers to undercut British workers by exploiting migrants Liberal Democrats: End indefinite detention for immigration purposes, and phase out child benefit for children living outside the UK. Health Conservatives: Seven-day access to GPs by 2020 & same day appointments for over-75s when needed. Integrate health and social care. Improve access to mental health treatments.

13 Labor: Integrate NHS health care and social care
Liberal Democrats: Spend 3.5bn extra for mental health, including £1.25bn for children and teenagers and £250m for pregnant women. Education Conservatives: Protect school funding per pupil Create at least a further 500 free schools in England by 2020 Immediate support to turn around failing schools 30 hours free childcare for working parents of three- and four-year-olds. Labor: Protect education budget for 0-19 year olds. Ensure all primary schools guarantee access to childcare from 8am to 6pm Liberal Democrats: Guarantee qualified teachers, a core curriculum and sex education in all state schools. And ringfence the education budget for 2-19 year olds.

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