Soft robotic device applied to the RV in a pressure overload model of RHF. Soft robotic device applied to the RV in a pressure overload model of RHF. (A.

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1 Soft robotic device applied to the RV in a pressure overload model of RHF.
Soft robotic device applied to the RV in a pressure overload model of RHF. (A to C) Plots showing pulmonary flow rate, aortic flow rate, and peak RV pressure versus time at baseline, at HF, and with the device actuating after 50 min of continuous operation. (D to G) Plots showing pulmonary flow rate, aortic flow rate, peak RV pressure, and end diastolic RV pressure at baseline, at HF, and with the device actuating after 50 min of continuous operation, for 15 consecutive cycles. Error bars denote ±SD. ***P < Christopher J. Payne et al. Sci. Robotics 2017;2:eaan6736 Copyright © 2017 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works

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