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Click on a cell to begin Animal Cell Plant Cell

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1 Click on a cell to begin Animal Cell Plant Cell
You can end at any time by pressing escape

2 Animal Cell click on an organelle to learn more about it.

3 Plant Cell click on an organelle to learn more about it.

4 Nucleus Large structure inside cells that contains the cell’s genetic material (DNA) and controls the cell’s activities Chromosomes – threadlike structures within the nucleus containing the genetic information that is passed from one generation to the next.

5 Mitochondria Cell organelle that releases energy from stored food molecules This is the site of cellular respiration which generates all the energy for the cell

6 Cell membrane Thin, flexible barrier around a cell that regulates what enters and leaves the cell. Made mostly of a lipid bilayer it is also studded with proteins that transport substances in and out

7 Ribosomes Small particles in the cell on which proteins are assembled.
Made up of RNA and protein Found on sections of the endoplasmic reticulum and floating in the cytoplasm

8 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Internal membrane system in cells in which components of the cell membrane are assembled and some proteins are modified. Located near/around the nucleus

9 Vacuole Organelle that stores materials such as water, salts, proteins and carbohydrates. Lysosomes are similar to vacuoles, but contain chemicals that break down cellular wastes.

10 Chloroplast Organelle found in cells of plants and other photosynthetic organisms that uses energy from sunlight to make energy rich food molecules (glucose) by photosynthesis Carbon dioxide + water  Glucose + oxygen

11 Cell Wall Strong layer found around the cell membrane in plants, algae, and some bacteria. It provides protection and structural support for plant cells.

12 Golgi apparatus Stack of membranes in the cell in which enzymes attach carbohydrates and lipids to proteins

13 Centrioles One of two tiny structures located in the cytoplasm of animal cells near the nuclear envelope.

14 Cytoplasm Fluid material inside the cell membrane that contains all of the organelles. Salts and other small organic molecules are suspended in this liquid made primarily of water.

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