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Opinion Writing Learn to write a very clear and convincing paragraph or essay…

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Presentation on theme: "Opinion Writing Learn to write a very clear and convincing paragraph or essay…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opinion Writing Learn to write a very clear and convincing paragraph or essay…

2 Dear Mom and Dad, In my opinion, we should get it. It would be really good for all of us. If we got it, it would be great. I think it is a good idea. Let’s get it! Love, Emmie

3 Type One Name Date 4 lines or more. What is the biggest problems with this letter? What could make it better?

4 Fix it! Dear Mom and Dad, In my opinion, we should get it. It would be really good for all of us. If we got it, it would be great. I think it is a good idea. Let’s get it! Love, Emmie

5 Dear Mom and Dad, In my opinion we should visit Florida. It would be really great. I’d love it. It would be nice there. We should go there. Love, Jacob

6 Fix it! Dear Mom and Dad, In my opinion we should visit Florida. It would be really great. I’d love it. It would be nice there. We should go there. Love, Jacob

7 Dear Kelly, This book is really good. You’ll like it. Read it. Your Friend, Mary

8 Dear Jim, This book is really good. It’s about a kid who has a problem. You’ll like it because it’s good. You should read it right away! Your friend, Joe

9 Important Focus Areas Clear position (claim)
Convincing Reasons with detailed examples Elaboration (tell me more!) Transition words and phrases Powerful closer Acknowledge the other side (While some say...)

10 The Thesis Statement: Learn to write an effective argument statement to use in science, social studies, language arts, religion…

11 Should this book be read by seventh graders next year?
The book is fun because on page 27 its says something funny. Should video cameras be installed in classrooms? Video cameras are sometimes used in schools and people have different feelings about it.

12 Type One Name Date 4 lines or more. Is this an effective thesis? What could make it better?

13 Thesis Statement: Is a clear, arguable statement Includes (usually 2-3) reason(s) or provable points Uses parallel structure (flows) Avoids specific details

14 What’s the problem with this thesis statement? Can you fix it?
Should video cameras be installed in classrooms? Video cameras are sometimes used in schools and people have different feelings about it.

15 Video cameras are sometimes used in schools and people have different feelings about it.
Video cameras should not be installed in classrooms because they violate our right to privacy, (will) interfere with classroom lessons, and destroy the atmosphere of trust in our school.

16 What’s the problem with this thesis statement? Can you fix it?
Should the United States government continue to use tax dollars to explore outer space? We should because some 20% of scientists believe there might be water on the moons of Jupiter if that’s true then we could go and live there if the earth gets hit by a large asteroid and that knocks us out of orbit and creates a cooling trend so that makes the planet uninhabitable and we can no longer live here.

17 The United States government should not continue to invest in the space program because there are no funds available, there is a crippling atmospheric problem that needs our attention, and efficient private sector companies could do explore space at half the price. The United States government should not continue to invest in the space program because of a crippling atmospheric problem that needs our attention, a looming budget crisis on the horizon, and a desire from private companies to do the job at a fraction of the cost.

18 The Planner Learning (educational) Physical (health, space)
Reasons Details/examples Physical (health, space) Direct quote endorsement Learning (educational) Engage the enemy Emotional (fun, relaxing…) Tell a Story Aesthetic/spirit Imagine Social (community, friends) Analogy (compare) Economic (saves money time…) Literature Survey and statistics

19 In your opinion, should your family adopt a dog?

20 The Planner Reasons Details/examples Dogs are just plain fun!
Dogs really can teach you a lot of things about life and how to relax and enjoy the moment. My father says “I’ve learned more from dogs than people!” Dogs can actually make you healthier! I know you think I won’t take care of the dog, but I will. It will teach me responsibility. Dogs are just plain fun! Last week, I was bored all week. I watched TV all day. With a dog… Getting a dog from a shelter is a kind thing to do! Imagine all the dogs who need a home! With a dog you’ll never be lonely. Having a dog is like having a built in friend! Dogs are expensive but really worth worth it. Old Yeller, my dog skip, Shiloh, Henry and Mudge, Ribsy, Clifford and Emily… dogs all these people afforded dogs! Actually, Dog Fancy magazine, shows that dogs only cost 20 dollars a month and they can save money on burglar alarm systems!

21 Reasons Details

22 The Reasons Game Argue: Halloween is a better than Valentines Day
Argue: Dogs are better than cats Argue: Beach vacation better than mountains Argue: Flying is better than being invisible

23 In your opinion: Should 4th grades be allowed to have cell phones
In your opinion: Should 4th grades be allowed to have cell phones? Why or why not? In your opinion: What afterschool activity should we offer? Why? In your opinion: What class pet should we get? Why? In your opinion: Should we have longer recess? Why or why not? In your opinion: What are most important qualities in a teacher? Why?

24 The Reasons Game Argue: We should explore outer space
Argue: We should move to the Southwest Argue: We should read ________ book Argue: Kids should learn their math facts

25 The Reasons Game Argue: There shouldn’t be homework
Argue: There should be more field trips Argue: We should have a longer school day Argue: We should have a classroom pet

26 The Reasons Game Argue: We should visit Disney World.
Argue: You should take me to the library. Argue: We should raise our hands in school. Argue: Kids should eat healthy foods.

27 The Reasons Game Argue: Video Cameras should be installed in every classrooms Argue: The voting age should be lowered to 16 years old Argue: Prayer should/should not be allowed in public schools Argue: Plastic bottles and bags should/should not be banned. Argue: Creationism should/should not be taught in public schools.


29 The Characteristics Game
Compare: 2 restaurants Compare: 2 neighborhoods Compare: 2 presidents Compare: 2 planets

30 The Characteristics Game
Compare: 2 fictional stories Compare: 2 characters Compare: 2 shapes Compare: 2 regions of the US

31 The Characteristics Game
Compare: 2 animals Compare: 2 teachers Compare: 2 native American tribes Compare: civilizations

32 The Characteristics Game
Compare: 2 numbers Compare: character at beginning and end Compare: 2 plants/trees Compare: the book and the movie made from book




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