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29 / 03 Tuesday Kaupapa: Describe the digestion processes taking place in the stomach and duodenum.

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Presentation on theme: "29 / 03 Tuesday Kaupapa: Describe the digestion processes taking place in the stomach and duodenum."— Presentation transcript:

1 29 / Tuesday Kaupapa: Describe the digestion processes taking place in the stomach and duodenum

2 Do you remember? The long tube that connects the mouth to the stomach is called ____________. Describe “peristalsis”

3 Digestive System Teeth Tongue Salivary Glands Oesophagus Liver
Gall Bladder Stomach Pancreas Small Intestine Large Intestine Rectum Anus

4 Part One: Mouth What happens to the food in the mouth?

5 Part Two: Oesophagus

6 Question: Can you eat when you are upside-down?

7 “Peristalsis”

8 What happens next?

9 Part Three: Stomach

10 What happens to the food in the stomach?

11 Part Three: Stomach Stomach churns to physically digest the food.
Enzymes (protease) contained in the gastric juice in the stomach chemically digest proteins. Stomach acid kills most of bacteria and also enables protease.

12 Why do we feel sleepy after lunch?

13 Protease breaks down proteins!

14 Stomach Acid (Hydrochloric Acid) – pH 2



17 Part Three: Stomach Stomach churns to physically digest the food.
Enzymes (protease) contained in the gastric juice in the stomach chemically digest proteins. Stomach acid kills most of bacteria and also enables protease.

18 What happens next?

19 Part Four: Duodenum duodenum (the first part of small intestine)

20 Stomach Liver Pancreas Gall Bladder Duodenum

21 Liver (produces bile) Pancreas (Produces pancreatic juice) Duodenum

22 Duodenum The contents of the stomach are then moved to the first part of small intestine – Duodenum. Here, the food is mixed with bile and pancreatic juice.

23 Mmmmmm… Bile! Bile is a greeny-yellow substance made by the liver and gets stored in the gall bladder. It neutralizes the stomach acid.

24 Mmmmmm… Pancreatic Juice!!
The pancreas produces the pancreatic juice which completes the digestion of food.

25 Part Four: Duodenum After the stomach, the food is moved into the duodenum – the first part of small intestine. Inside the duodenum, the stomach acid is neutralised by bile (produced by the liver). Digestion is completed by pancreatic juice produced by the pancreas. It contains two types of enzymes – lipase which breaks down lipids and amylase which breaks down starch.

26 What have we learnt today?
What is name of the part that the food goes to after going through the stomach? The food gets mixed with two liquids in the duodenum. What are the two liquids?

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