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when God is in it! Judges 6-8

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1 when God is in it! Judges 6-8
Small is Big when God is in it! Judges 6-8



4 Disunity Impurity Legalism Judgmentalism Abusive leadership Etc.
Spiritual Cancers Disunity Impurity Legalism Judgmentalism Abusive leadership Etc.

5 The Cycle of Judges

Years 1. Oppression by King Cushan-Rishathaim (3:8) 8 •Deliverance by Judge Othniel (3:9-12) 40 2. Oppression by Moabites (3:14) 18 •Deliverance by Judge Ehud (3:15-23) 80 •Shamgar serves as judge (3:31) 3. Oppression by King Jabin (4:2,3) 20 •Deliverance by Deborah and Judge Barak (4,5) 40 4. Oppression by Midianites (6:1) 7 •Deliverance by Judge Gideon (6-8) 40 •Abimelech serves as Judge (9:22) 3 •Tola serves as judge (10:1,2) 23 •Jair serves as judge (10:3) 22 5. Oppression by Ammonites (10:8) 18 •Deliverance by Judge Jephtha (11-12:1) 6 •Ibzan serves as judge (12:8-10) 7 •Elon serves as judge (12:11,12) 10 •Abdon serves as judge (12:13-15) 8 6. Oppression by Philistines (13:1) 40 •Deliverance by Judge Samson (15, 16)

7 The Cycle of Judges

8 Syncretism-the combining of different belief systems with one’s religion
Christianity and politics Christianity and materialism Christianity and self-indulgence Christianity and hedonism Christianity and psychology Christianity and churchianity

9 The Cycle of Judges


11 Valley of Jezreel


13 The Cycle of Judges



16 “No man is greater than his prayer life
“No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying. We have many organizers, but few agonizers; many players and payers, few pray-ers; many singers, few clingers; lots of pastors, few wrestlers; many fears, few tears; much fashion, little passion; many interferers, few intercessors; many writers, but few fighters. Failing here, we fail everywhere.” Leonard Ravenhill

17 The Cycle of Judges

18 135,000 vs. 32,000 135,000 vs. 10,000 135,000 vs. 300



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