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Deep Thinking & Deep Learning: Implications for Education

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1 Deep Thinking & Deep Learning: Implications for Education
Garry Jacobs CEO, World Academy of Art & Science Chairman of the Board & CEO, World University Consortium Vice-President, The Mother's Service Society

2 Deep Thinking The creative process involved in changing conceptual systems. Also known as insight. The capacity to move from one conceptual system to another is a key in the evolution of knowledge, characteristics of great discoveries and works of intellectual genius. It is stimulated by incompatible and contradictory elements that do not fit within the existing framework. It leads to development of new conceptual systems which reconcile the contradictions as complementary aspects of a wider truth.

3 Inherent Obstacles Mind’s quest for certainty
Centripetal force of security and inertia Rational bias toward consistent facts and arguments Implicit values and premises unquestionably accepted Mind’s propensity to view reality from one perspective Mistaking mental conceptions for reality

4 Deep Learning We can and do learn how to change conceptual systems throughout our lives Deep learning is person-centered, not subject-centered Deep learning is only possible by independent thinking Independent thinking is an expression of mental individuality Individuality can only develop in freedom Studying great intellectual discoveries and the resistance to them reveals the process of creative thinking

5 Steps in Deep Learning Creation – constructing a conceptual system (CS) Conflict – recognizing conflict Consciousness – Making explicit underlying values and premises Escape – moving beyond the boundaries of the CS Ambiguity – embracing the tensions of uncertainty and ambiguity Reconciliation – conceiving of alternatives that resolves conflict and embraces contradictions Construction -- assembling elements of a new conceptual representation of the whole Self-referencing – making explicit the values & premises of the new conception

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