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Adolygiad cychwynnol o effeithiolrwydd rhaglenni Hyfforddeiaethau a Chamau at Waith Llywodraeth Cymru Initial review of the effectiveness of the Welsh.

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1 Adolygiad cychwynnol o effeithiolrwydd rhaglenni Hyfforddeiaethau a Chamau at Waith Llywodraeth Cymru Initial review of the effectiveness of the Welsh Government’s Traineeships and Steps to Employment programmes

2 Cefndir Background Yng Ngorffennaf 2010, cyhoeddodd yr AdAS wahoddiad tendro ar gyfer cyflwyno ei rhaglenni dysgu yn y gwaith, gan gynnwys y rhaglenni Hyfforddeiaethau a Chamau at Waith ar gyfer y cyfnod rhwng Awst 2011 a Gorffennaf 2014. Ym Mawrth 2011, dyfarnodd yr AdAS gomisiynau i 16 o ddarparwyr dysgu yn y gwaith i gyflwyno Hyfforddeiaethau a chomisiynau i 13 o ddarparwyr i gyflwyno rhaglenni Camau at Waith. Dechreuwyd cyflwyno’r rhain yn Awst 2011. . In July 2010, DfES issued a tender invitation for the delivery of its work-based learning programmes, including the Traineeships and Steps to Employment programmes for the period August 2011 to July 2014. In March 2011, DfES awarded commissions to 16 work-based learning providers to deliver Traineeships and commissions to 13 providers to deliver Steps to Employment programmes. Delivery of these began in August 2011.

3 Cefndir Background . Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn canolbwyntio ar y modd y mae’r dysgwyr yn gwneud cynnydd ar y rhaglenni a’r prosesau y mae darparwyr wedi eu rhoi ar waith i’w cefnogi a’u symud ymlaen i addysg bellach neu hyfforddiant. Yn yr adroddiad terfynol a fydd yn cael ei gyhoeddi ar ddechrau haf 2013, bydd Estyn yn ystyried effeithiolrwydd cyffredinol y rhaglenni, yn enwedig o ran gwella ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc ac oedolion yn gynnar mewn addysg a hyfforddiant ac ar symud unigolion i mewn i waith. This report focuses on how the learners are progressing on the programmes and the processes that providers have put in place to support them and progress them into further education or training. In the final report to be published in early summer 2013, Estyn will consider the overall effectiveness of the programmes, particularly in improving the early engagement of young people and adults in education and training and on moving individuals into work.

4 Cefndir Background Mae rhaglenni hyfforddeiaeth wedi eu cynllunio ar gyfer pobl ifanc hyd at 18 oed. Maent yn rhaglenni sy’n canolbwyntio ar ymgysylltu’n gynnar â phobl ifanc, gan ddefnyddio dull dysgu hyblyg i annog cyfranogiad parhaus mewn addysg a hyfforddiant. Y prif ffocws yw cael pobl i mewn i waith. Darperir tair rhaglen Hyfforddeiaeth i fodloni’r tri chategori o angen canfyddadwy, sef Ymgysylltu, Lefel 1 a Bridge-2-Employment. Traineeship programmes are designed for young people up to the age of 18. They are programmes that focus on the early engagement of young people, using a flexible learning approach to encourage continued participation in education and training. The main focus is to get people into employment. Three Traineeship programmes are provided to meet the three categories of identified need. These are Engagement, Level 1 and Bridge-2-Employment. .

5 Cefndir Background . Gosodwyd y targedau perfformiad canlynol ar gyfer y flwyddyn 2011- 2012 gan Lywodraeth Cymru: Hyfforddeiaeth (Ymgysylltu): 60% o ddilyniant i gyflogaeth neu ddysgu lefel uwch/Hyfforddeiaeth; (Lefel 1): 65% o ddilyniant i gyflogaeth neu ddysgu lefel uwch /Hyfforddeiaeth; (Bridge-2-Employment): 85% o ddilyniant i gyflogaeth neu ddysgu lefel uwch. The Welsh Government set training providers the following performance targets for the year : Traineeship (Engagement): 60% progression to employment or higher level learning/Traineeship; (Level 1): 65% progression to employment or higher level learning/Traineeship; (Bridge-2-Employment): 85% progression to employment or higher level learning.

6 Cefndir Background Mae rhaglenni Camau at Waith wedi eu cynllunio ar gyfer pobl sy’n 18 oed neu’n hŷn, wedi gadael addysg amser llawn, neu fel arfer yn preswylio yng Nghymru ac yn cael lwfansau gan yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau. Maent yn rhaglenni hyfforddi sy’n canolbwyntio ar symud unigolion i waith trwy eu cynorthwyo i oresgyn rhwystrau rhag gwaith, gan gynnwys y medrau cyflogaeth angenrheidiol i gael cyflogaeth gynaliadwy. Darperir dwy raglen Camau at Waith i fodloni anghenion unigol dysgwyr, sef: Dysgu sy’n Canolbwyntio ar Waith a Llwybrau i Waith. Steps to Employment programmes are designed for people who are 18 years of age or over, have left full time education, are ordinarily resident in Wales and are in receipt of Department for Work and Pensions allowances. They are training programmes focusing on moving individuals into work by providing them with the support to overcome barriers into work including the necessary employment skills to obtain sustainable employment. There are two Steps to Employment programmes provided to meet the individual needs of learners: Work Focused Learning and Routeways to Work. .

7 Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings
Nid yw’r broses gyfeirio at y rhaglenni yn drylwyr, a phan mae’n effeithiol, mae’n dibynnu ar berthnasoedd personol yn hytrach na systemau effeithlon. Mae ansawdd y wybodaeth a gaiff dysgwyr a darparwyr gan asiantaethau cyfeirio yn aml yn anghyflawn, ac nid yw’n helpu darparwyr i weddu dysgwyr i raglenni priodol. The referral process to the programmes is not robust and where it is effective it relies on personal relationships rather than efficient systems. The quality of the information that learners and providers receive from referral agencies is often incomplete and does not help providers to match learners to appropriate programmes.

8 Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings
Mae rheolau cymhwyster a chyfnod byr y rhaglenni yn aml yn cyfyngu ar lefelau’r dysgu a’r dilyniant y gall dysgwyr ei wneud yn realistig. Caiff cyflawni deilliannau targed ar gyfer darparwyr ei rwystro gan brinder cyfleoedd profiad gwaith a chyflogaeth gynaliadwy. Yn aml, nid yw cyflogwyr yn deall y rhaglenni’n llawn. Eligibility rules and the short length of the programmes often restrict the levels of learning and the progression that learners can realistically make. The achievement of target outcomes both for learners and for providers is hampered by the lack of work experience and sustainable employment opportunities. Employers often do not fully understand the programmes.

9 Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings
At ei gilydd, nid yw targedau contract yn cael eu bodloni, ac mae dysgwyr yn cael eu haddysgu mewn grwpiau sy’n rhy fach i fod yn hyfyw yn addysgol neu’n economaidd. Mae darparwyr, yr AdAS a Ffederasiwn Hyfforddiant Cenedlaethol Cymru (FfHCC) yn cydweithio i ddatrys yr anawsterau hyn. Dengys data LlC fod safonau a chyfraddau dilyniant ar yr holl raglenni yn ddigonol ar eu gorau. Mae niferoedd y dysgwyr sy’n mynd ymlaen i hyfforddiant neu gyflogaeth arall yn uwch o’r rhaglenni Hyfforddeiaeth nag o’r rhaglenni Camau at Waith. Overall, contract targets are not being met and learners are taught in groups that are too small to be educationally or economically viable. Providers, DfES and the National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW) are working together to resolve these difficulties. WG data shows that, standards and progression rates on all programmes are at best adequate. The numbers of learners progressing into other training or employment are higher from the Traineeship programmes than from the Steps to Employment programmes.

10 Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings
Mae mwyafrif y darparwyr yn nodi ac yn cofnodi anghenion dysgwyr, yn mynd i’r afael â rhwystrau rhag dysgu ac yn gwneud eu gorau i fynd i’r afael â’r anghenion hyn. Mae darparwyr yn gweithio’n dda gyda phartneriaid i sicrhau amrywiaeth o gymorth i ddysgwyr. Fodd bynnag, mewn lleiafrif o ddarprwyr, ni chaiff rhwystrau difrifol i gleientiaid eu nodi’n ddigon cynnar. The majority of providers identify and record the needs of learners, address barriers to learning and do their best to address these needs. Providers work well with partners to secure a variety of support for learners. However, in a minority of providers, serious client barriers are not identified early enough.

11 Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings
At ei gilydd, mae safon y medrau sylfaenol a’r cymorth llythrennedd a ddarperir yn rhy amrywiol. Yn yr achosion gorau, caiff anghenion cleientiaid unigol eu nodi, a chyflwynir cymorth dysgu ar ddechrau eu rhaglenni hyfforddi. Fodd bynnag, mewn gormod o achosion, ni chaiff y man cychwyn a’r cynnydd a wna dysgwyr wrth ddatblygu eu medrau llythrennedd eu nodi na’u holrhain yn y drefn honno. Mae gwelliant mewn llythrennedd yn gyfyngedig o ganlyniad. Overall, the standard of basic skills and literacy support provided is too variable. In the best cases, individual client needs are identified and learning support is delivered early in their training programmes. However, in too many cases, the starting point and progress made by learners in developing their literacy skills are not identified or tracked respectively. Improvement in literacy is limited as a result.

12 Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings
Mae’r rhan fwyaf o ddarparwyr wedi addasu eu harferion gwaith ar gyfer dysgwyr sy’n cael eu cyfeirio at y rhaglenni Hyfforddeiaethau a Chamau at Waith. Maent yn gweithio’n dda o fewn eu consortiwm a gyda phartneriaid allanol i ddatblygu’r rhaglenni. Mae gan yr holl ddarparwyr systemau gwybodaeth reoli soffistigedig ar waith i gofnodi deilliannau lefel uchel ar gyfer dysgwyr. Mae’r rhan fwyaf ohonynt yn lledaenu’r wybodaeth hon ar draws y consortiwm, ond nid yw pob un ohonynt yn monitro manylder cynnydd dysgwyr yn ddigon da i helpu dysgwyr unigol i lwyddo. Most providers have adapted their working practices to suit learners referred to the Traineeships and Steps to Employment programmes. They work well within their consortium and with external partners to develop the programmes. All providers have sophisticated management information systems in place to record high-level outcomes for learners. Most disseminate this information across the consortium but not all monitor the detail of learner progress well enough to help individual learners to succeed.

13 Argymhellion Recommendations
Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru: sefydlu fforwm arfer orau ymhlith darparwyr, a gweithio’n agos gyda darparwyr i fynd i’r afael â materion sy’n effeithio ar y nifer sy’n dilyn rhaglenni hyfforddeiaeth a Chamau at Waith. The Welsh Government should: establish a best practice forum amongst providers, and work closely with providers to address issues that affect the take up of traineeship and STEPS to employment programmes.

14 Argymhellion Recommendations
Dylai darparwyr hyfforddiant: wneud yn siwr bod pob dysgwr yn dilyn llwybrau hyfforddiant priodol; annog pob dysgwr i ddatgelu unrhyw wybodaeth a allai gael effaith andwyol ar nodi rhwystrau rhag dysgu a chyflogaeth; gwella cyfraddau dilyniant ar bob rhaglen; sicrhau bod CDUau yn ddigon manwl a heriol ar gyfer dysgwyr; Training providers should: check that all learners are on appropriate training pathways; encourage all learners to disclose any information that may adversely affect the identification of learning and employment barriers; improve progression rates on all programmes; make ILPs sufficiently detailed and challenging for learners;

15 Argymhellion Recommendations
Dylai darparwyr hyfforddiant: wella profion medrau sylfaenol ac olrhain cynnydd; gweithio gyda chyflogwyr i ddarparu lleoliadau gwaith a chymunedol addas; a sicrhau bod cyflogwyr yn cael gwybod yn llawn am ofynion hyfforddiant dysgwyr i ffwrdd o’r gwaith Training providers should: improve basic skills testing and tracking of progress; work with employers to provide suitable work and community placements; and ensure employers are fully informed about learners’ off-the-job training requirements.

16 Argymhellion Recommendations
Dylai’r holl asiantaethau cyfeirio: wella ansawdd y wybodaeth gychwynnol a roddir i ddarparwyr hyfforddiant am ddysgwyr yn y broses gyfeirio; annog pob dysgwr i ddatgelu unrhyw wybodaeth a allai gael effaith andwyol ar nodi rhwystrau rhag dysgu a chyflogaeth; a gwella rhannu gwybodaeth rhwng y gwahanol asiantaethau sy’n gweithio gyda phobl ifanc. All referral agencies should:  improve the quality of the initial information given to training providers about learners in the referral process; encourage all learners to disclose any information that may adversely affect the identification of learning or employment barriers; and improve information-sharing between the different agencies that work with young people.

17 10 cwestiwn i ddarparwyr 10 questions for providers
Sut gallwn ni wella cyfraddau dilyniant o fewn rhaglenni? Sut gallwn ni wella ansawdd asesiadau cychwynnol a phrofion diagnostig? A yw ein cynlluniau dysgu unigol yn ddigon manwl ac a ydynt yn ddogfennau gweithio da? Sut gallwn ni wella olrhain cynnydd dysgwyr? How can we improve progression rates within programmes? How can we improve the quality of initial assessments and diagnostic testing? Are our individual learning plans sufficiently detailed and are they good working documents? How can we improve the tracking of learners’ progress?

18 10 cwestiwn i ddarparwyr 10 questions for providers
Ym mha ffyrdd allwn ni ddatblygu medrau llythrennedd a rhifedd dysgwyr ymhellach? Sut gallwn ni wella gwybodaeth cyflogwyr am ofynion y rhaglenni sy’n gysylltiedig â gwaith? Sut gallwn ni weithio gyda chyflogwyr ac asiantaethau allanol i sicrhau lleoliadau gwaith a chymunedol o ansawdd da? In what ways can we further develop learners’ literacy and numeracy skills? How can we improve employers’ knowledge about the requirements of work related programmes? How can we work with employers and external agencies to ensure good quality work and community placements?

19 10 cwestiwn i ddarparwyr 10 questions for providers
Beth allwn ni ei wneud i wella rhannu gwybodaeth rhwng yr holl asiantaethau? Ym mha ffyrdd y gallwn ni ddatblygu rhannu arfer orau ymhlith darparwyr? Sut gallwn ni annog pob dysgwr i ddatgelu gwybodaeth a allai gael effaith andwyol ar nodi rhwystrau dysgu? What can we do to improve information sharing between all agencies? In what ways can we develop the sharing of best practice among providers? How can we encourage all learners to disclose information that may adversely affect the identification of learning barriers?

20 http://www. estyn. gov. uk/download/publication/264973

21 Cwestiynau... Questions…

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