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7.2(a) Notes: Medians of Triangles

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1 7.2(a) Notes: Medians of Triangles
Date: 7.2(a) Notes: Medians of Triangles Lesson Objective: Identify and use medians in triangles CCSS: G.CO.10, G.MG.3 You will need: colored pens, CR Real-World App: What are the coordinates so that a triangle can balance? This is Jeopardy!!!:  This is what the segment bisector does to a segment.

2 Lesson 1: The Centroid Theorem
Label the vertices of your triangle A, B and C. B A C

3 Lesson 1: The Centroid Theorem
Bisect AB by pin­ching it at the halfway point. La­bel the bisector X. B X A C

4 Lesson 1: The Centroid Theorem
Draw a line from X to C. Mark the congruent segments. B X A C

5 Lesson 1: The Centroid Theorem
Bisect BC and label the bi­sector Y. Draw AY. Bisect AC and label the bisector Z. Draw BZ. B X Y A Z C

6 • Lesson 1: The Centroid Theorem
Mark all congruent segments. Label the point of intersection P. B P (Centroid) X Y A Z C

7 • Lesson 1: The Centroid Theorem
Try bal­an­cing the triangle on your pencil with the point of your pencil at P. What do you notice? B P (Centroid) X Y A Z C

8 • Lesson 1: The Centroid Theorem Median: Midpoint to Vertex
AY, BZ and CX are medians B P (Centroid) X Y A Z C Centroid Theorem: The centroid of a ∆ is located 2/3 of the distance from each vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. It is the point of balance.

9 • Lesson 1: The Centroid Theorem AP = 2/3AY BP = 2/3BZ CP = 2/3CX
Because 2/3 + 1/3 = 1, then YP = 1/3AY ZP = 1/3BZ XP = 1/3CX Median: Midpoint to Vertex AY, BZ and CX are medians B P (Centroid) X Y A Z C

10 • Lesson 2: Using the Centroid to Find Segment Lengths
In ∆ABC, P is the centroid, AY = 9, and PX = Find each length. A. AP B. CX B P (Centroid) X Y A Z C

11 Lesson 3: Finding the Centroid on the Coordinate Plane

12 Lesson 3: Finding the Centroid on the Coordinate Plane
A(1, 10), B(5, 0), C(9, 5)

13 7.2(a): Do I Get It? In ΔABC, Q is the centroid and BE = 27. Find BQ and QE. Find AD if AQ = 15. A second triangle like the one in Lesson 3 has vertices at X(-3, 0), Y(0, -8) and Z(-6,-4). Find the coordinates of the point where the artist should support the triangle so that it will balance. Explain your reasoning.

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