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Macbeth Learning Objective Read and understand Act 3 Scene 3

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Presentation on theme: "Macbeth Learning Objective Read and understand Act 3 Scene 3"— Presentation transcript:

1 Macbeth Learning Objective Read and understand Act 3 Scene 3
Begin to understand how to write for the English Literature Paper 1 Macbeth using PEEL.

2 On your own read Act 3 Scene 3. What happens here?
Starter On your own read Act 3 Scene 3. What happens here?

3 Lady Macbeth Who is Lady Macbeth? What do we know so far?

4 Begin to understand how to write for the English Literature Paper 1 Macbeth using PEEL.

5 What would you do? Highlight the most important words in the question and in the first bullet point. We will just focus on this first bullet point for now – more on the second bullet point at a later date.

6 How powerful is Lady Macbeth
How powerful is Lady Macbeth? Where would you put Lady M at this point in the play? Why? Lady Macbeth is a weak and vulnerable character. Lady Macbeth is the strongest character in the play.

7 Have a go… Annotate on the extract a few of your ideas.
Be prepared to feed back to the class in 10 minutes.

8 Feedback

9 Post it note planning What would you write? Pick a point and plan a PEE for this question.

10 Model answer Lady Macbeth describes Duncan’s entrance as ‘fatal’ straight after hearing he will be coming to her castle, which shows power because she is capable of making instant decisions. Lady Macbeth’s language in this extract suggests that she is calling for power from evil spirits to help give her strength to carry out the murder of Duncan. She wants to get rid of her feminine side: ‘unsex me here’ – which suggests that she sees being a woman as weak, also shown with ‘come to my woman’s breasts and take my milk for gall’. It is as if she thinks that she will only be able to carry out the act if her female side is replaced with ‘gall’ (poison). On the one hand Shakespeare might be showing her to be a powerful woman, capable of selling her soul to the ‘dunnest smoke of hell’ in order to get what she wants. However it could also suggest that she isn’t powerful at all and knows that her female weakness has to be destroyed in order to give her the strength to do what needs to be done. What does this response do well? How might you write it differently?

11 Homework Must: Use your planning to write your own PEE paragraph for this question. Should: Read through your work, ask someone else to read through it for you and make sure there are no SPaG mistakes. Could: Repeat the above.

12 Plenary Which point will you use?
Write that point now – make sure it is clear and succinct. Read your neighbour’s point – does it fit the criteria of the question?

13 Macbeth Learning Objective Read and understand Act 3 Scene 3
Begin to understand how to write for the English Literature Paper 1 Macbeth using PEEL.

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