Scientific inquiry Life Functions Cells 1 Cells 2 Microscope 10 10 10

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific inquiry Life Functions Cells 1 Cells 2 Microscope 10 10 10"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific inquiry Life Functions Cells 1 Cells 2 Microscope 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

2 What do we call the part of the experiment the scientist changes?
A10-Q What do we call the part of the experiment the scientist changes?

3 A10-A Independent variable

4 What are the parts of the experiment that stay the same called?
A20-Q What are the parts of the experiment that stay the same called?

5 Constants or controlled variables
A20-A Constants or controlled variables

6 A30-Q Evidence for your conclusion is based on the ________ collected during the experiment.

7 A30-A observations and / or data

8 What can you conclude about this experiment?
A40-Q What can you conclude about this experiment?

9 The plant with more light grew better than the other one.
A40-A The plant with more light grew better than the other one.

10 What is the independent variable?
A50-Q What is the independent variable?

11 is what the scientist changed
A50-A The amount of water is what the scientist changed

12 What do we call the life function of removing wastes?
B10-Q What do we call the life function of removing wastes?

13 B10-A excretions

14 What is the stimulus and response for this example?
B20-Q What is the stimulus and response for this example? Your dog starts barking when the mail-person delivers your mail.

15 Stimulus= mail-person delivers the mail
B20-A Stimulus= mail-person delivers the mail Response = the dog starts barking

16 Which life function produces energy for the organism?
B30-Q Which life function produces energy for the organism?

17 Respiration (cellular)
B30-A Respiration (cellular)

18 B40-Q Plants move water through its leave; your body moves blood carrying nutrients and wastes. Which life function is this?

19 B40-A circulation

20 Which life function adds biomass to an ecosystem?
B50-Q Which life function adds biomass to an ecosystem?

21 Reproduction and growth
B50-A Reproduction and growth

22 Which part of the cell control’s its life functions?
C10-Q Which part of the cell control’s its life functions?

23 C10-A nucleus

24 What is the job of the cell membrane?
C20-Q What is the job of the cell membrane?

25 C20-A The main job of the cell membrane is to control what enters and leaves the cell.

26 Which part stores materials (water, nutrients, wastes)?
C30-Q Which part stores materials (water, nutrients, wastes)?

27 C30-A vacuoles

28 What are the 3 main parts of a cell?
C40-Q What are the 3 main parts of a cell?

29 C40-A Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus

30 This part contains the DNA (genes).
C50-Q This part contains the DNA (genes).

31 C50-A nucleus

32 Which is the plant cell, and which is the animal cell?
D10-Q Which is the plant cell, and which is the animal cell?

33 D10-A Left = animal cell Right = plant cell

34 What are 2 cell parts that plant cells have that animal cells do NOT?
D20-Q What are 2 cell parts that plant cells have that animal cells do NOT?

35 Plant cells have a cell wall
D20-A Plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts.

36 Which letter identifies the nucleus?
D30-Q Which letter identifies the nucleus?

37 D30-A E

38 What is the function of the chloroplasts?
D40-Q What is the function of the chloroplasts?

39 to produce food (glucose)
D40-A to produce food (glucose)

40 Why is it bigger in the plant cell?
D50-Q What is part D? Why is it bigger in the plant cell?

41 It is bigger in plants to store water.
D50-A D is the vacuole. It is bigger in plants to store water.

42 What is the job of the diaphragm?
E10-Q What is the job of the diaphragm?

43 Control the amount of light

44 How do you calculate total magnification?
E20-Q How do you calculate total magnification?

45 E20-A Multiply the magnifications of the eyepiece and the objective lens you are using

46 E30-Q If the eyepiece is 10x, and the objective lens is 40x; what is the total magnification?

47 E30-A 400x (10 x 40)

48 What cell parts were visible with our microscopes?
E40-Q What cell parts were visible with our microscopes?

49 cytoplasm, cell membrane, nucleus
E40-A cytoplasm, cell membrane, nucleus and in the some plant cells: cell wall, and chloroplasts

50 E50-Q What happens to the image of the specimen as you increase the magnification?

51 You will see LESS of the whole specimen, but MORE details.
E50-A You will see LESS of the whole specimen, but MORE details.

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