Jack, Jacob, Kylie Period 2

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Presentation on theme: "Jack, Jacob, Kylie Period 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jack, Jacob, Kylie Period 2
ECHINODERMATA Jack, Jacob, Kylie Period 2

2 Symmetry Radial Symmetry

3 Feeding Animals can be: -Filter Feeders -Carnivores -Detritivores
-Herbivores -Omnivores

4 Circulation Open circulatory system
Cilia circulating fluids through each arm A network of of fluid-filled nerve networks Function in gas exchanges

5 Excretion Water vascular systems Anus Mouth

6 Response Nerve ring surrounding their mouth
Nerve extends through a series of networks Networks go towards each of the body’s regions

7 Movement Ossified skeletons Starfish use their feet or limbs to move
Sea Cucumbers use their spines

8 Reproduction Both asexually or sexually
Fertilization of eggs by spermatazoa

9 Respiration Poorly developed Gills and tube feet
Take in oxygen and pass out carbon dioxide

10 Classes/ Examples Crinoidea- (Sea lillies) Asteroidea- (Starfish)
Ophiaroidea- (Brittle stars & Snake Stars) Echinoidea (Seas Urchins & Sand dollars) Itolothuroidea (Sea Cucumbers)

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