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Incorporate a problem into our creative stories

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Presentation on theme: "Incorporate a problem into our creative stories"— Presentation transcript:

1 Incorporate a problem into our creative stories
We are learning to… Incorporate a problem into our creative stories

2 Arguing with your shadow Can’t be helped!
We’re going to look at three different styles of problems that we can add to our stories: 1 versus 2 Arguing with your shadow Can’t be helped!

3 1 versus 2 Example: Harry and Ben are at a party. Problem:
“1 versus 2” is when one character creates a problem with another character Example: Harry and Ben are at a party. Problem: Harry makes fun of Ben when he loses a game of “pass the parcel”.

4 Do you recognise these examples of “1 versus 2”?

5 Arguing with your shadow
“Arguing with your shadow” is when a character makes the wrong decision or gets themselves into a tricky situation. Example: Sally has a test at school. Problem: Sally makes the decision to cheat during the test!

6 Do you recognise these examples of “arguing with your shadow”?

7 Can’t be helped! Example: Maisie and her family go camping. Problem:
“Can’t be helped” is when something bad happens that the characters have no control over. The problem isn’t anyone’s fault! Example: Maisie and her family go camping. Problem: There is a storm in the middle of the night and the tent is blown away!

8 Do you recognise these examples of “can’t be helped”?

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