Adaptation of the Articles of Confederation

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1 Adaptation of the Articles of Confederation
THE CONFEDERATION Adaptation of the Articles of Confederation

2 Written Constitutions & Limited Power
During the revolution 11 of 13 states wrote a state constitution American leaders cautious about too much power to one ruler Many states had elected legislatures with separate branches Most states adopted a bicameral legislature 2 separate houses Some included a bill of rights

3 Formation of the Republic
U. S. A. would be a republic Government where citizens rule by being elected People elect representatives to speak on their behalf Most agreed that central/national/federal government should be weak States would be like small independent countries

4 Articles of Confederation
November 1777 – America’s 1st constitution Provided new central government States gave up little of their power “A firm league of friendship” States kept “sovereignty, freedom, & independence” All 13 states had to ratify the Articles Articles formally become our govt. on March 1, 1781

5 Strengths of the Articles
Governed the nation during & after the American Revolution Grant treaties (like Treaty of Paris 1783) Authority to conduct foreign affairs Maintain relations with foreign countries Borrow money Issue currency Print & circulate money Sold, settled, & governed the nation’s western territory (Northwest Ordinance)

6 Weaknesses of the Articles
Could not protect copyrights Could not organize a court system Each state had only one vote in Congress Regardless of its size Could not pass law w/o 9 of 13 approving Required unanimous vote to change Articles No power to regulate (control) trade between states Could not force citizens to join the army No power to tax No power to enforce laws States had to agree to raise money or troops States not required to help


8 Westward Expansion Government took control of western lands
Ordinance of 1785 Procedure to sell lands north of Ohio River Divided territory into townships 6 miles x 6 miles square Opportunity to cheaply buy a lot of land


10 Land Ordinance of 1785 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 6 miles 6 miles Land sold for $1 per acre A A – Half-section = 320 acres B – Quarter-section = 160 acres C – Half-quarter section = 80 acres D – Quarter-quarter section = 40 acres C B D D

11 Northwest Ordinance Passed in 1787 to create a single Northwest Territory Land north of Ohio River & east of Mississippi River Divided into 3-5 smaller territories Could petition for statehood When population reached 60,000 Would come into Union with all rights & privileges of original 13 states Bill of rights for settlers, no slavery, freedom of religion & trial by jury

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