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Gender Preference on the Use of the UNG Cumming Campus learning common

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1 Gender Preference on the Use of the UNG Cumming Campus learning common
Jenna Joslin, Kailee Krenzer, Michael Yerry, Taylor Loden, REBECCA ROSE, & MELBA HORTON

2 Introduction At the University of North Georgia, Cumming Campus, the Learning Common is a versatile place that serves as e-library where students, regardless of gender, conduct academic-related activities such as researching, conducting meetings, internet surfing, reading, as well as other things that serve them best. Previous studies have conflicting results as to the difference in male and female preferences(Gray, 1992; Green, 1995; Carothers and Reis, 2013). This study aims to know whether male and female students at UNG, Cumming Campus differ in their purpose for the use of the Learning Common. It is hypothesized that the same number of male and female UNG students use the Learning Common of the Cumming Campus for academic purposes.

3 Methodology To conduct the investigation, survey forms were printed out and placed in the middle section of the Learning Common for two weeks to give easy access for both male and female students to fill-out. The questions in the survey were geared toward students’ use of the Learning Common that can be answered in Yes or No while indicating their gender.

4 Results Results showed that higher percentage of male students utilized the Learning Common for academic-related activities than female students at a ratio of 3:1.

5 Discussions This refutes the hypothesis indicating that more male students visit the Learning Common to surf the internet and read while female students are there to do non-academic activities. This suggests a difference in gender preference. Undoubtedly, this implies that that the Learning Common is serving the needs of both male and female students for either academic- or non-academic- related purposes.

6 citations Bobbi J. Carothers, Harry T. Reis. Men and women are from Earth: Examining the latent structure of gender.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2013; 104 (2): 385 Gray, J. (1992). Men are from Mars, women are from Venus: A practical guide for improving communication and getting what you want in your relationships. New York: Harper Collins. Green, K. S. (1995). Blue versus periwinkle: Color identification and gender. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 80 (1),

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