Client/Server Architecture

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Presentation on theme: "Client/Server Architecture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Client/Server Architecture

2 Advent of Client/Server Technology
In systems centralised around mainframe, a no. of dumb terminals used to be connected to a powerful server, which performed all the processing It became increasingly difficult to keep up pace with changing scenarios (business rules, technologies etc.) as modifying these systems was a time consuming activity and besides affected all the users

3 Advent of Client/Server Technology
With the advent of PCs, the processing could be distributed between client and server, which accrued several benefits A powerful Graphical User Interface (GUI) could be provided to the user instead of Character based interface, which was user-friendly The processing could be distributed between client and server, thus taking some load off the server

4 Advent of Client/Server Technology
Improved information access Increased productivity Quick reponse to changing market place Rapid application development

5 The Tiers Applications can be logically distributed into several layers, each of which is known as a Tier Windows DNA refers to these tiers as - User Services Business Services Data Services

6 Two-Tier Architecture
In a Two-Tier Architecture the applications are mostly divided into a user-services tier and a data-services tier The application logic resides either in the user interface or on the server, producing two models: Fat Client (UserInterface + Business Logic on client & database logic on the server) Fat Server (User Interface logic on client & business+database logic on server)

7 Client-Server Models Distributed Presentation Remote Presentation
Distributed Logic Remote Data Distributed Data

8 Client-Server Models 1 2 3 4 5 Client Server Network D D D D D BL BL

9 Three-Tier Architecture
In a three tier architecture the business services are assigned a separate tier – called middle tier and is handled by middleware like MTS and IIS

10 Three-Tier Architecture

11 From Two-Tier to N-Tier

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