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How to use Adobe Premier

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1 How to use Adobe Premier
Emily Mynheer

2 Starting a new project

3 Step one Open Adobe Audition, and select ‘New Project’.

4 Here, you have the chance to change the settings to how you would like them.
For example; You can change the name of the project And the sequence name

5 Step two After the settings are adjusted to how you wish, you will then be directed to this screen;

6 Importing clips

7 Step one Click on ‘file’ Then down the list, select ‘import’

8 Step two You will then be taken to your documents, where you are able to select which clips you’d like to include

9 Step 3 Once you select the clips you’d like to use, they’ll be imported They’ll then be placed in the bottom left corner, when you can drag them in to edit

10 Step 4 To get clips into your video, simply drag them from the bottom left corner, and onto the timeline ( If this message appears, just select ‘keep existing settings’ )


12 Step one One you have your clips imported and placed on your timeline, select the razor tool

13 Step two With this tool, simply click where you would like to split the clip

14 Step 3 To move the clips apart, click the Selection tool option, and drag the clips apart

15 Overlapping two clips will delete the part covered, for example;


17 Step one Right click on the clip you want to remove or move the audio from. Select ‘Unlink’

18 Step two To move the clip, make sure you are on the Selection Tool and simply drag it to where you would like it instead The video clip will now be silent and the audio from it will play elsewhere, on a black screen if it does not have a video clip above it

19 Step three To delete the audio and keep the clip silent (without any audio beneath it), right click the audio once its split from the video clip, and select ‘cut’

20 It should then disappear, and look like this;

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