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Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) and Dress Code

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1 Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) and Dress Code
Shirley Wellington Compliance Officer/Policy Administrator June 24, 2019

2 6.22 Electronic Communication Devices Personal Electronic Device
The Board recognizes the value of Personal Electronic Devices (“PED”) as a unique learning tool and a means to facilitate communication between the Board, students, and families. However, the Board also understands that PEDs create unique problems when used in an educational setting and can often be a distraction for students. The Board wants to ensure that schools balance the use of PEDs with student safety and structured learning environments. To meet this goal, the Board authorizes the Superintendent to create procedures consistent with this policy regarding student use of PEDs on school property, at school functions, and while on Board-provided transportation. Allowing students to bring to school personal electronic devices, including, but not limited to, cell phones, pagers, or other audio/video devices, to school is a privilege afforded by Huntsville City Schools.

3 Use or visible possession of any such device during school hours is strictly prohibited except by permission of the Principal or in the case of devices issued to students by the District for educational purposes. In addition, These devices have the potential of disrupting the orderly operation of the district’s schools. For the purpose of this policy “Personal Electronic Device” means a privately-owned device that is used for audio, video, or text communication or any other type of computer-like instrument. sStudents may use a personally-owned technology such as e-readers, tablets, notepads, laptops, or similar devices personal electronic device for instructional purposes with specific permission of their teacher. An acceptable use form, including specific instructions and conditions, will need to be signed and additional restrictions may apply. The use of personal electronic devices may not disturb or impede extracurricular activities.

4 The Board permits restricted and conditional access to, and use of, its technology resources, as well as personally-owned personal electronic devices, for instructional purposes only and not for personal use. Students may use only accounts, files, software, and/or other technology resources that are assigned to, provided, or approved for him/her. The Board reserves the right to place conditions on, restrict, or prohibit the use of personally-owned technology resources personal electronic devices, technology resources, including all personal electronic devices and storage media on its property. School officials may read, examine, or inspect the contents of any such device upon reasonable suspicion that the device contains evidence of an actual or suspected violation of the law, Board policy, the Code of Student Conduct Behavioral Learning Guide (BLG), or other school rules, provided that the nature and extent of such examination shall be reasonably related and limited to the suspected violation. See the Behavioral Learning Guide (BLG) for specific details relating to Personal Electronic Devices (PED).

5 6.18 Appearance and Dress Students will not be allowed to attend school if their appearance or dress constitutes a health or safety hazard or disrupts the orderly operation of the school. will follow the student dress code as outlined in the Behavioral Learning Guide, or any successor code of student conduct approved by the Board. The Principal is responsible for implementing the student dress code in his or her school. making judgments in the area.


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