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Portrait of a Changing Workforce

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1 Portrait of a Changing Workforce

2 In 1952, less than 30 % of women held jobs
In 1952, less than 30 % of women held jobs. In 2004 women made up nearly half of U.S. labor force – an estimated 41 million wage earners. More than 6.2. million women own companies, contributing nearly $2.4 trillion to the national economy.

3 In 1955, only 18% of mothers with children under age 6 worked
In 1955, only 18% of mothers with children under age 6 worked. By 2001, that number jumped to 64% - with 3 million mothers of infants less than a year old holding full-time jobs.

4 By 1989, 80% of homebuyers were two-income couples. According to the U
By 1989, 80% of homebuyers were two-income couples. According to the U.S. Bureau of Census, most families in the 1990s needed two incomes to “maintain the standard of living…enjoyed two decades earlier.”

5 Since 1995, though the number of women reaching top executive levels in Fortune 500 Companies has nearly doubled in the last eight years –”Swelling to 15.7% from 8.7 – in terms of actual numbers, women executives number only 2,140 of 13,600 executives overall.

6 In 1900, women earned 50cents fro every dollar a man made
In 1900, women earned 50cents fro every dollar a man made. A century later, they earn 76 cents.

7 Although women are leaving “corporate America” to start their own businesses in record numbers, “only 39% have landed loans from commercial banks, compared to 52% of male business owners.”



10 Bibliography Rowland, Debran. The Boundaries of Her Body: the Troubling History of Women’s Rights in America. Naperville, Illinois: Sphinx Publishing, Print.

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