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New Deal  .

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1 New Deal

2 Do you agree with #1 or #2? Why?
Option #1 The federal government is not responsible for providing relief to unemployed and poor citizens. Helping the less fortunate is responsibility of charities employers, state and local governments. If the federal government intervenes it is over reaching its role. Option#2 The federal government is responsible for providing relief to unemployed and poor citizens. Power of the federal government should be used responsibly. The federal government has a role in re-establishing the economy.

3 Hoover v Roosevelt  Quaker -Republican -Engineer: efficiency - Capitalist welfare Christian -Democrat -Strategy of Relief -Governing philosophy

4 Fireside Chat with FDR 1) Why do you think Franklin D. Roosevelt broadcasted "fireside chats" to the American people? 2) What is the purpose of declaring a bank holiday? 3) If you lived during the Great Depression would you leave money in the bank after FDRs fireside chat? Fireside Chat

5 New Deal -5,000 Banks closed before Bank Holiday -First 100 Days: passed 15 major pieces of legislation -Relief -Unemployed: $500M to state gov'ts -Farmers: tried to raise prices -Banks: insure banks, restricted investments -Stock Market: restore faith -Alphabet Soup -CCC -WPA -AAA -FDIC

6 Works Progress Administration
Works Progress Administration* *later named Works Projects Administration Goal: Administered a comprehensive public works program to promote and stabilize employment. -Between employed 8 million people -6 Billion dollars out of a 80 Billion economy -Thousands of projects projects - 116,000 buildings, 78,000 bridges, 651,000 miles of roads, 800 airports -1:2 ratio -70% of schools built between Was it successful?

7 Minnpost Article: What is your reaction?
Read the MinnPost article about WPA and Minnesota Write five reactions to the text in your notebook Vocab: Boondoggle: project that is a waste of time and money Modest: humble, small amount Enacted: put into action or motion Relief: assistance, aid, help

8 Summary Article PWA

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