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Using billboards within games

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1 Using billboards within games
4.5. Billboarding Using billboards within games

2 Billboards Using billboards within games

3 Billboarding Billboarding is a rendering technique that orientates some object (typically a texture mapped quad) towards a defined target (typically the camera). The orientation may be constrained to be along a certain axis.

4 Billboarding Billboarding is of use as it provides a means of reducing the number of polygons that need to be rendered. This is done by replacing (potentially complex) 3d geometry with an imposter texture. This is not a new technique!

5 Billboarding

6 Common type of billboarding
Two types of billboarding are commonly encountered: Cylindrical The rotation of the object is restricted to a vector, usually along the positive direction of the Y axis. Spherical No restriction to the orientation of the object is imposed

7 Billboards: Trees and Vegetation
The visual complexity of grass, shrubs, trees, etc. is such that it is often rendered using one or more billboards.


9 Billboards: Clouds Overlapping billboards provide a very powerful technique for rendering clouds (which cannot be easily defined in terms of a mesh)

10 Video not available in on-line slides

11 Billboards: Explosions
Blending together a number of billboards within a set of particle effects can produce impressive explosions effects.

12 Billboards: Imposters
By capturing and representing 3D objects within the scene as separate images, it becomes possible to render the image (as a billboard) instead of the 3D object, i.e. the imposter is a simplified representation of a complex 3D object. Dynamically-generated imposters are regenerated at runtime by rendering an image of a 3D object to a texture.

13 Volumetric Billboards
Volumetric billboards use volumetric images of an object stored into 3D textures, instead of 2D images as for standard billboards. A rendering approach can visually reconstruct the object, offering parallax effects, reduced popping artefacts, etc.

14 Video not available in on-line slides

15 Directed Reading Directed reading concerning billboarding Directed

16 Directed reading Directed reading: Read Billboarding Tutorial – for introductory information on how to render cylindrical or spherical billboards. Read Real-Time Cloud Rendering for Games – for an exploration of cloud rendering using billboards. Read Rendering Forest Scenes in Real-Time – for details on reducing large forest scenes using billboards. Read Spherical Billboards and their Application to Rendering Explosions – for information on how spherical billboards can be used for explosions.

17 Directed reading Directed reading: Read Volumetric Billboards – for more information on volumetric billboard creation/rendering. Read Billboard Clouds for Extreme Model Simplication – for information on using a “billboard cloud” as a means of simplifying a 3D object. Read Dynamic 2D Imposters: A Simple, Efficient DirectX 9 Implementation – for information on how to implement dynamic imposters at:

18 To do: Summary Read the directed reading
Today we explored: The variety of uses that billboarding offers within games. To do: Read the directed reading Think if you would like to implement any aspect of billboarding within your project?

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