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Deceptive Advertising is Irresponsible Marketing

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Presentation on theme: "Deceptive Advertising is Irresponsible Marketing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deceptive Advertising is Irresponsible Marketing
We Pay The Price of Deception Who is Ultimately In Control? Can Firms Be Trusted? What Can Be Done?

2 Socially Irresponsible Marketing Behavior Isn't New
Early, deceptive advertising for cigarettes claimed that smoking was beneficial to asthma sufferers – something to think about when weighing Juul claims, as shown on Friday Deceptive advertising includes making false or exaggerated claims in a TV commercial, ad, or sales pitch  Socially Irresponsible  Marketing Behavior Isn't New

3 American Marketing Association Statement
“As marketers, we recognize that we not only serve our organizations but also act as stewards of society in creating, facilitating and executing the transactions that are part of the greater economy. In this role, marketers are expected to embrace the highest professional ethical norms and the ethical values implied by our responsibility toward multiple stakeholders (e.g., customers, employees, investors, peers, channel members, regulators and the host community).”


5 The Purpose of Marketing is to Change Our Behavior – For Better or Worse

6 I Wish!

7 Deceptive – Unethical?



10 Social Consequences of Food Marketing



13 Diabetes Compromises Kidney Function – and a Corresponding Rise in Dialysis Centers

14 Diabetes is related to ESRD – End Stage Renal Disease
Diabetes is related to ESRD – End Stage Renal Disease. The principles of dialysis generally same since the first American underwent the procedure in 1948: toxins in a patient’s blood are filtered through a permeable membrane. The cleansed blood is returned to the body. Cost per patient in 2017: About $88,000 per year. Social Cost is largely born by Medicare at ~ 34B. The Booming Dialysis Business/Big Three in US: DaVita, Fresenius, U.S. Renal Care

15 Social Costs, Con’t. Usually, each hemodialysis treatment lasts about four hours and is done three times per week. A type of hemodialysis called high-flux dialysis may take less time.

16 Eat to Live, or Live to Eat?

17 Sparse advertising for healthy choices

18 Bud Light, 2015 – What Were They Thinking?

19 What Do You Think?

20 Press Prediction, 2016 A  CNN report states that of the million or so campaign ads that will be run by Election Day, 96 percent will be negative — not extolling the virtues of a candidate, but highlighting the (alleged) faults of an opponent.  Marketers create political campaigns based largely on innuendo and quotes taken out of context. Is this just part of the day’s work, or is there a larger, ethical dilemma involved for marketers? Politicians are now working on new campaigns. How might we, as a society, address this?  How do you recommend individuals address the problem of marketing useless, fraudulent, or intrusive information intended to alter our behavior?

21 Check Your Ad Skill – True, Not True, or Harmless?
The “not trues” on the following paid millions in restitution through court challenges. “Seatbelts Save Lives”

22 “Magnolia extracts in Eclipse gum has germ killing properties
“Magnolia extracts in Eclipse gum has germ killing properties.” “VW Promotes Clean Diesel Technology” “Activia Yogurt Has Special Bacterial Ingredients” “Kellogg Rice Crispies Can Boost Your Immune System”

23 “Kellogg Mini-Wheats Makes You Smarter” “These New Balance Shoes Can Help You Burn Calories” “Luminosity ( a brain-training app) can help you prevent dementia” “Airborne (herbal supplement) helps you ward off harmful germs” “Splenda is Made from Sugar”

24 Bonus: In 2011, what was actually in Taco Bell’s Heavily Advertised “Seasoned Beef”? (They paid millions in a suit against them, but publicly denied the claim against them).

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